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Additional notes for your Day Fifteen activity:
The more energy and focus you give to your fear, the more real it will become and the more you will believe it. So, when fear arises, it is important that you don’t give it all your power. Instead, choose to shift your thinking and bring in a more loving and empowering perspective.

In your journal today, invite in the voice of love and speak to yourself the way you would someone that you deeply cared about. Write a letter of support and encouragement to yourself, where you share loving words about why you believe you can overcome this fear and why you can achieve what you desire.

What do you most need to hear or know in order to feel confident and empowered? Tell yourself the very words you need to feel supported and strong enough to move through this fear.


Additional notes for your Day Sixteen activity:
Self-love and self-care are an important part of staying in alignment with your highest self and having the energy, clarity and strength to achieve your dreams.

Nothing about self-care or self-love should feel heavy, like an obligation or a 'should', so whatever you bring in, make sure it feels really nourishing and enjoyable to you.

Some ideas of what you explore with this activity include: Is there a new way of moving your body you want to practise in 2020? Do you want to create a morning routine? Are there any areas of your health you want to work on such as your flexibility, your digestion, stress or hormones? Do you want to learn to say No, have better boundaries and make more time for yourself? Do you want to book in regular treatments such as massages, facials, spa days, manicures or hair appointments? Do you want to explore working with a new practitioner such as a kinesiologist, a naturopath, a chiropractor or try something like pilates, hot yoga or pole dancing? Do you want to dedicate more time to your at-home self-care practices like baths, cooking, stretching, journaling, meditation or body massage? Do you want to learn more about self-love and work with a life coach, read books or take courses?



Additional notes for your Day Seventeen activity:
We are in a powerful time of energetic preparation in the lead up to 2020. These final few weeks of 2019 are our opportunity to lay our foundations, get organised, clear out remaining clutter and set ourselves up for all we want to create in the new year.

In today’s activity, take some time to reflect on how you could best use these remaining weeks of 2019 to set yourself up for success in 2020. Do you need to clear out some clutter from your home or sort out your computer files so you feel organised? Do you need to tie up some loose ends of tasks, projects or issues that are sitting incomplete and are draining your energy? Do you need to sit down and map out your 2020 so you have an action plan? Do you want to start creating new habits in your health, fitness or self-care? Do you need to do an audit of your bank accounts and finances to ensure everything is clear and in order? 

Explore anything that feels important for you to get in order, clean up, release, or start setting up to help you thrive in 2020.


Additional notes for your Day Eighteen activity:
It is easy to step into a new year feeling excited about big dreams and goals you want to achieve, but unless you have support systems set up to help you stay on track and accountable, these goals can easily fall to the wayside as soon as you get busy.

In today’s activity, think about what you will need to set up to help you stay on track in 2020. Do you want to create a morning ritual where you visualise your goals each day, a Sunday ritual where you plan the week ahead, or a monthly ritual of reviewing your goals and creating an action plan? Will you need to create some new habits or systems to support you? Could you put your vision board somewhere where you see it every day and stick your goal on your bathroom or bedroom mirror?

Also explore if you need to invest in some support such as a coach, mentor, personal trainer, financial strategist, accountability partner or an online course that will keep you on track.


Additional notes for your Day Nineteen activity:
December can be a really busy month and often involves wrapping up work, attending parties and events and preparing for everything the holiday season entails.

To ensure you don’t too swept up and distracted by the busyness of this period, spend some time thinking about your intentions for this month, how you want to feel, and how you are going to support yourself to feel this way. This does not have to be a time where you feel overwhelmed, stressed or reactive. You get to choose how you want to approach this month, what feelings you want to embody, what you say Yes or No to, and how you will give yourself what you most need.

For this activity, chose a few words to describe how you want to feel as you move through this month and how you can support yourself to feel that way.


Additional notes for your Day Twenty activity:
Take a moment today to reflect on 2019 and wrap up this year with love and gratitude. Write a thank you and farewell letter to this year as a sacred way of completing all that this year has brought you.

Start your letter with ‘Dear 2019’ and begin by reflecting on all of the beautiful experiences you have had this year. You have been delivered an abundance of learnings, opportunities and blessings that are gifts from life. Even your most challenging experiences have helped you to grow and evolve so be sure to give thanks for them too.

Then, declare in your letter to 2019 what you are now ready to release, say goodbye to, complete, close off and farewell. It could be a pattern or habit within yourself, an old belief system, a person, a situation or an emotion. Once again, approach this with an energy of gratitude by thanking these for all that they taught you, but declaring that you are now ready to release them for good.

If you wish to, you can then rip up or burn your letter as part of a releasing ritual for 2019.


Additional notes for your Day Twenty-One activity:
It is now time to turn your focus to 2020 and all of the new beginnings that you feel ready and excited to step into.

Start your letter with ‘Dear 2020’ and begin to declare to the year ahead what you intend to create, manifest, achieve, feel and experience in this powerful new year. Feel the love, passion and excitement in your heart as you allow yourself to write in as much detail as you can what your intentions, dreams, desires and goals are for 2020. Tell this year what you most want to create.

Once you have written everything you can, close your eyes and place your hand over your heart. Imagine you can send a giant beam of love and light energy to the year ahead and you can bless this year with the energy abundance, happiness, peace and joy. Send a prayer to the Universe for all of your dreams to be supported to come to life.

If you wish to, you can then create a sacred alter where you place your letter and surround it with crystals, candles, flowers, oracle cards or anything else you feel to help supercharge its energy.

ALIGN & ELEVATE | © Connie Chapman 2019