Divine Femme Header 2024

For the woman ready to reclaim her feminine essence, unlock deeper levels of confidence, self-worth, power and pleasure and awaken the version of herself that she is truly here to be.

Beautiful woman, do you desire to...

❤️‍🔥 Be a fully expressed woman who claims her wants and needs, speaks her truth, honours herself and owns ALL of who she is

❤️‍🔥 Feel alive, embodied, sensual, confident, radiant, lit up and magnetic in your energy as you move through the world

❤️‍🔥 Live guided by your feminine intuition, heart energy and body wisdom rather than being stuck by your mind

❤️‍🔥 Alchemise, heal and liberate patterns and emotions that are keeping you small and stuck so you can rise into your full divine feminine power and potential

❤️‍🔥 Feel safe, at home, and grounded in your body so you can allow yourself to soften, slow down, rest and truly receive

❤️‍🔥 Step into your worth, set boundaries, raise your standards, claim your wants and needs and feel deeply honoured, held and met in your life and relationships

Connie (Kotahi) Standard, 183

If so, you are being called onto the path of feminine reclamation. You're invited to begin your journey of returning to your feminine essence so you can remember the joy, power, magic and beauty of being a woman and thrive in the way you truly desire.

So many of us as women are walking through our lives feeling depleted, burned out and disconnected from our bodies, our healthy feminine energy and our full power.

We are living from old, outdated conditioning about what it means to be a woman.

We have been taught models of the wounded feminine which tell us we need to be nice and sweet, over-give, people-please, be the good girl, be selfless and do what is expected of us.

We have been taught models of the hyper-masculine which tell us to deny our emotions, work hard, hustle, aim for perfection, base our worth on our achievements and live stuck in our minds.

And we have become disconnected from the divine feminine qualities of nourishment, embodiment, flow, intuition, unconditional love, receptivity, creativity, sensuality, magnetism and truth which allow us to live as deeply empowered and embodied feminine women.

As a result, so many women are left feeling burned out, exhausted, under-nourished, depleted and disconnected from what fulfils and nourishes our hearts and bodies.

We wonder why we are doing everything we 'should' be doing yet something is still missing.

What is missing is our connection to the feminine.

And so maybe you find yourself...

Connie Chapman, Retouched - 16

🥀 Feeling overwhelmed, burned out, depleted and exhausted by all you are trying to do and achieve

🥀 Stuck in your mind and unable to access your body, emotions, intuition, pleasure, sensuality and deeper needs

🥀 Putting others first, over-giving, people-pleasing and struggling to implement boundaries and speak your truth

🥀 Struggling to love and support yourself and instead speaking to yourself in negative, judgemental and critical ways

🥀 Feeling that your essence, energy, feelings, needs and desires are 'too much' so you shrink and hide who you are

🥀 Feeling guilty, lazy, selfish or unproductive whenever you try to rest, slow down, take care of yourself or put yourself first

🥀 Endlessly ticking items off the to do list, yet your life is still lacking the depth, richness, beauty and fulfilment you crave

And you can feel something within you - the voice of your inner feminine - calling you back home to your heart, body and true power.

Many of us have been taught that being in our feminine makes us weak, passive, powerless and unproductive. This has left us denying, rejecting and judging our feminine nature. The TRUTH is that your divine feminine energy is the key to unlocking your confidence, worth, power, pleasure, nourishment, fulfilment and magnetism as a woman. When you awaken this energy within you, everything in your life transforms.

When a woman returns to her feminine essence she taps into a wellspring of shakti lifeforce inside of her.

🍒 She becomes nourished, full from within, lit up, magnetic and radiant.

🍒 Her heart cracks open and she is able to love, accept and embrace all of who she is.

🍒 She feels deeply confident and at home in herself.

🍒 She is able to descend into her body to access her inner wisdom, emotions, desires, womb wisdom and true feminine power.

🍒 She is not afraid to face her shadows, alchemise her wounds and rebirth into a new and empowered version of herself.

🍒 She becomes an untamed woman who embraces the full range of her feminine energy and expression.

🍒 She walks through the world anchored in her worth, her value, her desires and the truth of who she is.

🍒 She experiences true liberation, nourishment and freedom and she finally becomes able to thrive in every area of her life.

Connie Chapman, Retouched - 37

Are you ready to walk the path of divine feminine reclamation?

Introducing, Divine Femme

A nourishing and transformational journey of feminine healing and embodiment.

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Divine Femme is a transformational 6-month journey of feminine embodiment, deep healing, self-liberation and power reclamation where you will learn how to unlock deeper levels of confidence, worth, self-love, wholeness, pleasure and magnetism by reclaiming your divine feminine energy, so you can begin thriving in every area of your life.

You will be guided on a powerful embodiment journey to heal and release the limiting patterns that hold you back such as self-doubt, people-pleasing, perfectionism, unworthiness, over-giving, comparison, self-judgment and over-functioning in your masculine energy.  

This is a deep journey into your feminine essence where you reclaim the power, beauty and magic of being a woman. You will walk alongside your sisters and be held as you move through a process of embodied transformation.

I have designed Divine Femme to be a slow, nourishing and sustainable 6 month journey that will hold you through various seasons and cycles.

Because the feminine doesn't want to be rushed and I want you to be able to deeply integrate, embody and apply everything you are experiencing and learning.

Divine Femme will guide you through a signature 4 phase process:

Deep Healing

Reconnect with your inner child, resolve past wounds and move through deep somatic healing processes to unravel old conditioning, patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back.


Unravel from wounded feminine and masculine patterns of people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-achieving and feeling not enough, deepen your self-love and reclaim the essence of your true, authentic self.

Feminine Embodiment

Journey into your body to reconnect with your heart, womb & yoni, awaken more lifeforce, pleasure, radiance, and sensuality, alchemise your emotions and connect with your cycle & intuitive wisdom.

Power Reclamation

Reclaim the fullness of your feminine self and embrace your dark feminine to awaken deeper levels of confidence, worth, self-love, expression, self-trust and magnetism and stand fully in your divine power.

Plus, Sisterhood & Support

Let yourself deeply receive and feel held, seen, supported and celebrated for the woman you are and receive personalised coaching from Connie as you walk alongside a beautiful community of sisters.

In Divine Femme, you will:

Connie Chapman, Retouched - 40

????Come deeper into your body to feel greater levels of pleasure, joy, sensuality, self-worth and confidence.

????Reclaim and embody your feminine energy and heal your relationship to the masculine.

????Release patterns that weaken your power including people-pleasing, self-doubt, comparison, not speaking your truth and a lack of boundaries.

????Develop sacred rituals, routines and self-care practices that nourish you, nurture you, fill you up from within and make you feel deeply loved.

????Build a strong, connecting, empowering and loving relationship with yourself where you are deeply in tune with your wants, needs and desires.

????Find a sense of calm, security, wholeness and contentment from within yourself.

????Release patterns that dim your light including self-criticism, self-judgment, guilt, shame and unworthiness.

????Awaken your divine feminine intuition so that your inner voice can guide your life.

????Create healthy, secure, balanced, loving, conscious relationships with others.

????Heal your mother and father wounds, reconnect with your inner child and alchemise pain, emotions and patterns from your past.

????Claim your heart's desires and use your feminine magnetism to bring them to life.

Divine Femme is for you if:

✔️ You would love to learn how to create a healthy balance between your masculine and feminine energy so you can still get things done and show up for your commitments while also feeling deeply feminine, embodied, nourished, flowing, receptive and magnetic

✔️ You want to learn how to deeply prioritise yourself and your needs, look after yourself and make time for what truly nourishes, fulfils and nurtures you as a woman.

✔️ You want to feel safe to step into your full feminine power so you can speak your truth, ask for what you want and need, implement boundaries, raise your standards, express your true self and receive what you truly desire.

✔️ You are done with being the hyper-independent, self-sufficient and over-achieving woman who runs herself into the ground and you yearn to learn how to slow down, relax, receive, regulate your nervous system and embody your feminine magnetism.

✔️ You want to break the habit of seeking externally for love, validation and approval, comparing yourself and worrying what others think, and instead experience a deep sense of self-love, acceptance, self-worth and confidence in who you are.

✔️ You want to feel deeply connected to your feminine intuition so you can experience deeper self-trust and always know what is right for you in any moment.

✔️ You want to call in and create healthy, nourishing relationships with the masculine where you feel honoured, seen, cherished, adored, deeply met and able to be all of yourself.

✔️ You would love to feel a deeper connection with your body where you can live guided by your cycle and womb wisdom, feel deeply embodied and grounded, alchemise your emotions and experience deeper levels of pleasure, joy and aliveness.

✔️ You're soo tired of people-pleasing, being the good girl and toning yourself down and you’re ready to reclaim the parts of yourself that you have hidden away - your wildness, boldness, creativity, sensitivity, power, emotional full-range and your sensuality and sexuality.

✔️ You often feel stuck, overwhelmed and held back by limiting beliefs, self-doubt and fear and you would love support to get to the root cause of your inner blocks so you can heal and release them and start moving forward in the way you deeply crave.

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Join Divine Femme

Pay In Full

One Payment of $2,755 AUD

3- Part Payment

3 Payments of $955 AUD

6-Part Payment

6 Payments of $478 AUD

Enrolments close in....


Divine Femme is a journey of embodied transformation.

Connie Chapman, Retouched - 38

What keeps so many of us as women stuck, is that we try to create change on a surface level without ever getting to the root cause of our challenges.

We apply a masculine approach of changing our thoughts and actions without an awareness of what is happening in our body.

This will never work for us as women because true healing and transformation for the feminine comes from embodiment.

As women, we need to journey down into our body to access our womb, yoni and heart and work with our subconscious mind.

We need to heal, release and unblock the unresolved emotions, wounds and patterns that are stored in our bodies which are causing us to recreate the same experiences over and over again.

It is through descending into the body that our limitations, wounds and shadows can be lovingly alchemised, transmuted and healed. It is through coming into our body that our pleasure, power and life force is awakened.

This is the embodied approach we will take in Divine Femme.

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"Divine Femme went beyond my expectations. I am at peace with myself and my body and I cannot even recall the last time I felt like this. It has allowed me to reclaim my power and to be the woman I am. I feel more at peace, connected and intuitive. Prior to Divine Femme, I felt disconnected from myself and like a stranger in my own body. Divine Femme allowed me to connect to myself, to realise the blocks I had, to understand that I do not need conditions to love myself, and but most importantly that I can thrive in my feminine energy." - Ana


"I've done a lot of work on myself throughout my life. However, I can easily say Divine Femme provided more new insights and life-changing experiences than I've ever had before. I am truly a new person after this course. I am so in tune with my feminine (which I didn't even really know existed) and confident in myself, my business, and my relationships. I feel more authentic. More untamed. This took a lot of inner child work. I am more in touch with my emotions, my body, my relationships, and more. My relationship is thriving. My business is growing. The program really took me on a journey of growth. I am forever grateful for this course." - Remi

I created Divine Femme, because I was once where you are. For years I was deeply disconnected from my divine feminine energy and power...

Connie Chapman - Standard Edits, 144

I spent most of my life being a people-pleaser, high-achiever, perfectionist, over-giver and total 'good girl.'

Everything I did was to gain external love and validation and I endlessly modified to be more of what I thought others wanted and expected. I spent 10 years following a career path just to make my father proud.

When I eventually started up my life coaching business my inner high-achiever went into overdrive. I hustled and worked around the clock, struggled to implement boundaries, over-gave and under-charged. I ran myself completely into the ground and was left with anxiety and insomnia... and my 3+ year relationship fell apart.

I spent the next 6 years single, struggling to call in my next relationship. I was always in my head, hyper-independent, and self-sufficient and struggled to express my emotions and needs. When I couldn't get my love life to work, I buried myself deeper into work.

And then one day, while receiving a Tarot Card reading, my life changed.  She looked me in the eye and said "Sweetheart, you are too connected to your masculine energy. You need to stop walking with your shoulders and you need to start walking with your hips"

In that moment I suddenly realised that THIS was my missing piece.

This was the moment that my feminine reclamation began.

I immersed myself in a deep journey of healing, feminine embodiment and power reclamation. I hired mentors, joined programs, read books and truly did the work.

I learned how to:
💦 Reconnect with my body, feel and alchemise my emotions
💦 Heal my heart armour and release my self-protective masculine shield
💦 Heal my mother and father wounds and reconnect with my inner child
💦 Resolve past trauma through embodied and somatic feminine healing
💦 Deeply love myself, embrace my body and be fully myself
💦 Reclaim my pleasure, sensuality and sexuality
💦 Embody my power, speak my truth, and implement boundaries
💦 Unravel my addiction to hustling and over-working
💦 Turn on my magnetism and expand my capacity to receive

And as a result, I have:
Manifested a healthy, loving 5 year relationship after 6 years of being single.
🫦 Built a thriving multiple 6 figure coaching business where I call in clients with ease, sell out my programs, continue to increase income and feel pleasure and flow in my work.
🫦 Awakened a deeper level of confidence, self-worth, embodiment and personal power than I have ever felt before.
🫦 Reclaimed my divine feminine power, inner wisdom, pleasure, sensuality and radiance and amplified the joy in my life.
🫦 Found the freedom to live guided by who I truly am and what I truly desire each and every day.

This journey has completely transformed my life, and now I want to teach you everything I know and embody in Divine Femme.

Divine Femme will walk you through my signature framework to awaken, activate and embody your feminine essence, your authentic self and your divine power so you can live as the woman you truly desire to be. This is a revolutionary journey of stepping into your full potential. It is about becoming unapologetically yourself, courageously releasing old conditioning, embodying your sacred power and feminine gifts and deeply loving the amazing woman you are.

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Join Divine Femme

Pay In Full

One Payment of $2,755 AUD

3- Part Payment

3 Payments of $955 AUD

6-Part Payment

6 Payments of $478 AUD

Enrolments close in....


"Before I signed up for Divine Femme, I was feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed. I also struggled with people pleasing, childhood wounds and discerning the difference between my intuition and my inner critic. Divine Femme has helped me to cultivate a more nourishing and trusting relationship with myself. I am kinder to myself and more patient with myself now, knowing that I have the power to turn my situation and my life around. I feel a deep sense of inner calm and peace. I am more anchored in my true self and more balanced in my feminine and masculine energies. This inner work has been so transformative - I highly recommend it to all women who are feeling stuck, confused, overwhelmed or powerless." - Bianca


"When I joined Divine Femme, I wanted to learn how to step more into my feminine energy, how to support myself emotionally and also how to feel more love towards myself. The program exceeded my expectations! Divine Femme taught me how to embrace, accept and look after my emotions. It has made me very confident in what I bring to the table. It has taught me how to trust myself more and follow my intuition. I feel that I am able to be more playful, more creative, and more loving to myself, and I finally get how to be magnetic. I have a stronger connection to the feminine, and I have balanced out my masculine and feminine. It was perfect!" - Sirin

The Divine Femme Curriculum

12 potent modules delivered over 6 months to allow you time to deeply apply, embody and integrate these principles.


Module One: Feminine Embodiment & Inhabiting Your Body

🌹 Unravel patterns of mind-based living and descend deeper into your body and feminine energy centres so you can feel rooted, embodied and grounded.

🌹 Learn how to regulate your nervous system, self-soothe and develop new ways to resource and support yourself from within.

🌹 Expand your capacity to be with your triggers, your emotions and strong sensations through embodiment work so that you can hold yourself through your healing.


Module Two: Healing Your Wounded Feminine & Inner Child

🌹Get to the root cause of your patterns of people-pleasing, perfectionism, worrying what others think, questioning yourself and over-giving so you can release what is keeping you small.

🌹Reconnect with your inner child, resolve mother and father woundings and move through powerful processes to create deep and lasting healing.

🌹Heal and unravel the patterns of your wounded feminine energy that keep you feeling insecure, not enough, stuck in shame and lacking confidence.


Module Three: Unconditional Self-Love, Self-Care & Self-Devotion

🌹 Learn how to practise deep and unconditional self-love and acceptance so you can stop seeking for love, approval and validation externally.

🌹 Resolve patterns of self-judgement, self-criticism, negative self-talk and release all of the rules you created about what makes you loveable.

🌹 Learn how to deeply nourish yourself with what you need, practice deep self-devotion, work with self-care rituals and prioritise yourself so you can feel full and overflowing.


Module Four: Awakening & Embodying Your Feminine Energy

🌹 Explore your relationship to the feminine, heal mother wounds and sisterhood wounds and release any resistance or judgement that you hold around feminine energy.

🌹 Learn how to cultivate healthy feminine energy within you by reclaiming and embodying your feminine qualities and living guided by the feminine every day.

🌹 Embrace the full range of your feminine expression, dismantle myths that she needs to be soft, sweet and surrendered and welcome your wild and fierce feminine.


Module Five: Inner Union & Balancing Your Masculine Energy

🌹 Explore your relationship to the masculine, heal father and partner wounds and resolve what is preventing healthy masculine energy showing up in your life.

🌹 Learn how to cultivate healthy inner masculine energy within yourself and why this is necessary for you to feel safe, grounded, protected, clear and supported as a woman.

🌹 Learn how to create a divine inner union between your feminine and masculine energy so these energies can balance, harmonise and work together.


Module Six: Emotional Alchemy, Feeling & Heart Healing

🌹 Learn how to welcome and honour your emotions and use powerful processes to alchemise and process your emotional energy so you can hold yourself through your deep feelings.

🌹 Release patterns of self-protection, closure and heart armour that prevents you from feeling deeper love with yourself and others.

🌹 Open and soften your feminine heart, embrace your sensitivity and learn how the practices of vulnerability and revealing can transform your relationship with yourself and others.


Module Seven: Cyclical Living & Womb Wisdom

🌹 Understand and work with the seasons and energies of your menstrual cycle and learn how to follow and honour your feminine, cyclical nature.

🌹 Develop deeper trust in your body, your energy rhythms, your creative process and your feminine energy so you can flow with these cycles without resistance.

🌹 Create a deep connection with your womb space so you can receive inner womb wisdom through this powerful portal and access your feminine power.

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Module Eight: Sacred Sensuality, Pleasure & Yoni Love

🌹 Awaken your feminine sensuality and discover simple yet powerful ways to integrate more pleasure, joy and sensuality into your daily life (no matter how busy you are).

🌹 Deepen your connection with your yoni and move through powerful healing practices to release shame and judgement so you can access her wisdom and power.

🌹 Release any blocks, resistance or guilt that you hold around feeling, prioritising and experiencing pleasure so you can allow yourself to more deeply open and receive.

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Module Nine: Self-Trust, Feminine Intuition & Body Wisdom

🌹 Learn how to connect with your divine feminine intuition and inner knowing so you can receive guidance and answers from within and feel deeply supported.

🌹 Activate your body wisdom so you can clearly hear your inner yes and no, recognise red flags and live guided by what is true for you.

🌹 Build unwavering trust in yourself so you can feel clear and confident and no longer question your choices, actions and decisions.

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Module Ten: Authentic Self-Expression & Speaking Your Truth

🌹 Awaken and find your voice, own your needs and speak your truth from a place of authentic power so you can express and ask for what you truly want.

🌹 Release your 'good girl' conditioning, embrace the full range of your feminine energy and become a fully expressed woman.

🌹Drop your masks, reconnect with and reclaim core parts of yourself that you have denied, judged and pushed away and feel safe and free to be unapologetically yourself.


Module Eleven: Self-Worth, Boundaries & Embodying Your Power

🌹 Learn powerful ways to honour yourself, your energy and your time through clear boundaries, prioritising yourself and saying no.

🌹 Come into deeper ownership of your innate worth, raise your standards and clarify your desires so you receive at the level that you desire and deserve.

🌹 Activate your dark feminine energy, embrace your fierce feminine expression and step into the full expression of your divine feminine power.


Module Twelve: Divine Feminine Activation & The Archetypes

🌹 Activate the divine feminine frequency and work with her qualities to experience deeper levels of healing, magnetism, power and love.

🌹 Learn how to integrate and work with the 7 key feminine archetypes so you can embody the full range of your divine feminine energy and expression.

🌹Awaken the energy of your whole, sovereign and empowered inner woman and begin to step forward as this expanded version of yourself.

In Divine Femme, you are receiving a deep and comprehensive framework for becoming an embodied and empowered feminine woman.

Our 6 month journey includes:

#1 - The Divine Femme Curriculum

The 12 modules of the Divine Femme curriculum will be drip-fed to you bi-weekly to allow plenty of space for integration, embodiment and application of these powerful principles.

Your Curriculum includes:

✔️ 12 x 90-minute Pre-Recorded Masterclasses
These deep, juicy and transformational Masterclasses will guide you through the core principles of feminine embodiment, healing, self-transformation, sensual awakening and power reclamation.

✔️ 25+ Guided Meditations, Healings & Embodiment Practices
Every module includes a selection of meditations, healing rituals and embodiment practices to help you embody what you're learning and create deep shifts.

✔️ 12 x Inner Work Journaling workbooks
Every module will be accompanied by a practical workbook full of journaling prompts and reflective questions to take you deeper and apply the course principles to your own life.

#2 - Live Support, Group Calls & Community

You will be supported and held in your 6 month journey through live coaching and embodiment calls with Connie and a powerful online community of like-minded sisters.

Your Live Support includes:

✔️ 12 x Live Group Coaching and Q&A Calls with Connie & your community
These powerful bi-weekly group calls will include live Group Coaching and Q&A with Connie so you can get real-time, personalised support on your journey.

✔️  6 x Live Embodiment Calls
We will come together for juicy live healing, movement and embodiment sessions which will guide you through powerful practices to create deep embodied shifts and feminine energy activations.

✔️ Private Online Community (not on FB)
This community will be invaluable! This is your sacred space to share, receive support, feel seen and held and receive guidance from Connie and your sisters in the times you need it most.

You also receive these Bonuses:

Bonus #1 - The Feminine Morning Ritual Practice

This guided ritual will walk you through a morning practice that connects you with your feminine energy and leaves you feeling nourished, full and self-connected for the day ahead.

Bonus #2 - The Feminine Living Reading List

A powerful list of recommended books to take you deeper on your feminine embodiment journey.

Bonus #3 - Feminine Embodiment Playlists

A selection of playlists to ignite the full range of your feminine energy, including your sensuality, your tenderness and your fierceness!

Bonus #4 - She Is Liberated Masterclass Recordings

Recordings of 3 x 60 minute video trainings from She Is Liberated including: Liberate Yourself From Limiting Patterns, Programming & Beliefs, Awaken True, Authentic Confidence, Self-Belief & Self Love, and Embody Your Feminine Power, Worth & Wholeness.

Bonus #5 - The Embodied Feminine Recordings

Recordings of 2 x video trainings from The Embodied Feminine including: The 90 minute Embodied Feminine Masterclass and a 60 minute guided Feminine Embodiment Practice.

By the end of Divine Femme you can expect to:

❤️‍🔥 Feel more embodied in your feminine energy, radiance, sensuality and magnetism.

❤️‍🔥 Experience deeper levels of self-confidence, self-worth, self-trust, authentic self-expression and divine feminine power.

❤️‍🔥 Feel liberated from patterns that have held you back for years such as self-doubt, people-pleasing, perfectionism, worrying what others think, over-giving and comparison.

❤️‍🔥 Have a strong, connected, empowering and loving relationship with yourself where you are deeply in tune with your wants, needs and desires and able to put yourself first. 

❤️‍🔥 Feel a deep connection with your inner child and your felt-sense so you can lovingly support yourself through any trigger, wound or emotion that arises.

❤️‍🔥 Feel connected to your womb, yoni and menstrual cycle, feel empowered in your sensuality and sexuality and in tune with your feminine essence.

❤️‍🔥 Feel less stuck in your mind and your thoughts and more deeply anchored and grounded in your body.

❤️‍🔥 Heal and balance your relationship to the masculine so you can access healthy inner masculine energy, and also call in relationships with masculine partners that feel healthy and aligned.

❤️‍🔥 Have a toolkit of sacred rituals, routines and self-care practices which you can use each day to feel nourished, nurtured, full from within and connected to yourself.

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Join Divine Femme

Pay In Full

One Payment of $2,755 AUD

3- Part Payment

3 Payments of $955 AUD

6-Part Payment

6 Payments of $478 AUD

Enrolments close in....


"Prior to Divine Femme, I felt really stuck and lost within myself. Now I understand myself more deeply and have tools and practices to tune into my intuition and manifest what I truly desire. I truly feel like I’ve come full circle… I am more in tune with myself. I can manage my emotions better. I understand why I am the way I am. I have been able to let go of old self-sabotaging ways and reconnect with my true self and move forward positively in my relationships. This journey has taught me the importance of self-love, boundaries and how to harness the courage to step into my feminine power to be content and happy within myself, my relationship and true friendships. Thank you Connie for helping me regain my confidence to know what I want and reconnect with my true self again." - Di


"Divine Femme allowed me to tap into and reconnect with myself, to learn practices that allowed me to work though and release many patterns that held me back. The capacity to connect with my own heart, to hear and trust my own guidance, and to be free to move and act despite old fears and patterns that used to hold me back - is the freedom that I longed for. It had and will continue to allow me to show up more powerfully and authentically in my relationships, my work, and my life. This course is a gift and a game changer. Thank you isn’t quite enough!" - Alicia

Frequently Asked Questions:

Beautiful Woman, This Is Your Invitation.

This is your precious permission slip to prioritise the healing, strengthening and rebuilding of your relationship with yourself.  This is your opportunity to come back into connection with the radiance of who you truly are.

It is your time to shine and step into your magnificence. It is time to receive the love from yourself that you have been craving for years. It is time to activate your feminine magnetism, power and light.

You do not have to walk this journey alone, nor are you meant to.

When women come together to support and encourage each other, magical things happen. As you come together with your community in Divine Femme, you will be seen, held, encouraged and supported in the ways you need to fully activate the potential of who you are here to be.

Imagine who you could become if you loved yourself wholly, deeply and unconditionally.

Imagine how you would feel if you felt happy in your skin and connected to your divine feminine energy in every moment.

Imagine what you could create for your life if you felt embodied in your power, guided by your intuition and deeply worthy of all that you desired.

Anything would be possible. You are capable of anything dear woman when you feel deeply loved.

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"After Divine Femme, I have so much love for all parts of myself. Divine Femme gives you the steps to come back to your true nature, to be loving and open and also fierce, and to create what you want, but more importantly to realize you're already loved and whole, and you get to do that with a community of women who relate to you so it's a safe space to do that work. Not only have I experienced an inner transformation I've manifested multiple career successes, and even receiving attention from men who represent secure, steady masculine energy which was unheard of before this." - Erica


"My journey within Divine Femme brought me back to myself. Prior to enrolling in Divine Femme, I felt disconnected from myself and my life - that feeling of walking around on auto-pilot or in a haze. Through the Divine Femme program, I was able to lean into myself, I learned about how to feel my feelings, connect to my body, listen to what it is trying to tell me and tune into my intuition. I feel more in tune with myself and how I feel and what I want. I feel more equipped to handle my life - now when overwhelming situations happen I have more awareness of what I'm feeling and going through.  My life is more meaningful having gone through this journey." - Kim

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Meet Your Divine Femme Mentor

Connie Chapman is a Certified Women's Life Coach, Feminine Embodiment Mentor and host of the Awaken Radio podcast.

For the past 11 years, through her Coaching Programs and Online Courses, she has supported thousands of women on the journey of feminine living and embodied transformation.

Her mission is to help women embody their divine feminine energy and build a loving relationship with themselves, so they can feel confident, worthy, whole and empowered from within and become magnetic to the life and relationships they desire.

Connie's work is based deeply on her own 20+ year healing and empowerment journey and her professional certifications.

Her unique approach combines intuitive wisdom with transformational coaching skills and somatic practices to create deep and lasting change.

For the past 11 years, I have been coaching and mentoring brilliant, beautiful heart-centred women from all around the world.

Connie Chapman, Retouched - 40

Throughout this time, I have seen way too many magnificent, talented women not stepping into their potential because they lack confidence, doubt themselves, cannot see their brilliance, or believe they are unworthy.

I have seen incredible women who are high-achievers and perfectionists get stuck in patterns of over-working, over-giving, over-doing, people-pleasing and running themselves into the ground.

I have seen women with soft, feminine hearts denying their sensitivity and over-functioning in unhealthy masculine energy in order to appear strong, independent and successful.

My mission in my work has become to support women through the journey of awakening their divine feminine energy and learning to deeply love, accept and embrace who they are, so they can rise into their highest and brightest self.

I have come to see that when a woman loves herself deeply, embodies her feminine energy and steps into her full power she becomes radiantly magnetic to all that she desires.

And that is why I created Divine Femme.


"Working with Connie has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have been able to transform old habits that had kept me so stuck for years. I feel so much more confident in who I am and I no longer feel the need to seek approval of others before I make decisions which is so huge for me. I'm really starting to trust myself and back my decisions and I feel so much more powerful in who I am as a woman. Connie has such a beautiful and calming energy, and her coaching has been so incredibly powerful for me." - Marnie

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"When I first started working with Connie I was operating from low self-worth and was unavailable to my emotions, needs and desires. Connie helped me to clear so many damaging patterns, up-level my self worth, relationships, boundaries and business as a result of finally learning how to be completely available to my inner wisdom and power. What I didn't expect from the sessions and has been the biggest and most beautiful transformation was learning how to understand, heal and embrace my feminine energy" - Emma


"Having Connie as my coach was the best thing I could have done for myself. Her calming presence and powerful questions ushered me into revelations I don't think I would have had otherwise. The depth and breadth we travelled together allowed me to get to know, understand, and surrender to my feminine in ways I long desired but only read about in books. Connie has a natural and uncanny way of guiding your spirit to its truth. My time with her was magical and a pivotal part of my coming into being." - Jacinta

Image from Divine Femme Overview 2021, page 25

"Connie has such an incredible ability to hold space and compassion and she have been able to guide me in such a beautiful way to shift from fear and limited thinking into love and empowerment. Before we started this work I felt like a fearful child and I had completely disconnected from what feeling good feels like. Now I feel more connected to my inner being and I feel excited to create the most amazing, abundant life filled with joy, love and ease." - Magdalena


"Connie gave me the tools to remove the layers that didn’t serve me, to reveal a much better version of me. I love the relationship I’ve built with myself. I’ve learned to slow down and make space in my life to really listen to what my intuition has to tell me and to trust what it says over logic. I feel radically different inside—more authentic, in my power, accepting of myself and others, feminine, and intuitive. I learned to not be afraid to feel all my feelings but to welcome them and their messages."  - Justine

It is time to reclaim the true magic, power and beauty of being a woman so you can become magnetic to all that you desire. It is time to love, nourish and support yourself from the inside out so you can thrive in the way you crave. It is time to experience a more pleasurable, feminine, flowing and easeful way of living your life so you can rise into the woman you truly desire to be. And I am here to show you how.

In Divine Femme, you will receive:

🍒 12 x 90-minute Masterclasses where you learn the core principles of the Divine Femme Method
🍒 25+ Guided Healing and Embodiment Practices including inner child healing, feminine embodiment, mirror work, heart meditation, emotional alchemy, breast massage, womb healing, sensual pleasure practices, and more
🍒 12 x LIVE Coaching Calls filled with personalised Group Coaching and Q&A
🍒 6 x LIVE Embodiment Calls filled with guided practices to activate your feminine
🍒 12 x Journaling Workbooks full of reflective questions to take you deeper
🍒 Opening Ceremony to start the journey with sacred intention
🍒 A Supportive Online Community (not on Facebook)
🍒 6 months of LIVE support from Connie

Plus these Bonuses:
🍒 Bonus #1 - Feminine Morning Ritual Guide & Practice
🍒 Bonus #2 - Feminine Reading List
🍒 Bonus #3 - Recording of the Art of Feminine Living Masterclass
🍒 Bonus #4 - Recording of the She Is Liberated Training
🍒 Bonus #5 - Recording of the Embodied Feminine Training

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Join Divine Femme

Pay In Full

One Payment of $2,755 AUD

3- Part Payment

3 Payments of $955 AUD

6-Part Payment

6 Payments of $478 AUD

Enrolments close in....


Divine Femme

© Connie Chapman 2025