Connie 15


A Free Online Training with Connie Chapman on Monday 8th July 2019

Does your current career or work feel out of alignment with your true passions and your authentic self?

Do you know that there is more for you to contribute and do in the world, but you feel held back by fear, self-doubt and worrying what others will think?

Would you love to start showing up for your true dreams and desires and create a life that lights you up?

If you answered yes, join Life Coach Connie Chapman for this transformational free training as she shares how to clarify your purpose and step onto your true path.

Claim Your Seat!

Here's what we will cover:

√ My personal journey of finding my purpose, and how I overcame crippling fear and self-doubt.

√ How to find clarity on your purpose and path and choose a starting point, even if you are a multi-passionate and you want to do everything!

√ What it actually means to live your purpose (it is far less complicated than you think).

√ How to break through inner blocks like fear, self-doubt, confusion, overwhelm or not feeling good enough so you can start moving forward.

√ Simple ways to start stepping onto your true path right now, even if you feel stuck somewhere you don't want to be.

√ How to combine intuition and action, so you can take big leaps forward that are guided by your inner wisdom.

√ A powerful heart-storming activity to help you create your vision and inspired action plan.

√ Practical tips on how to build a thriving business in the Coaching and Wellness industry, including what worked for me, and what helped me grow my audience, find clients and call in abundance.

Plus, much more!

Event Details:

Time & Date: Monday 8th July at 9am (Sydney, Australia time).

Check your timezone conversion here

Can't make it live? Don't worry! Everyone who registers will be sent a link to the session replay to watch in your own time.

Claim Your Seat:

Connie Chapman

About your host:

Connie Chapman is an International Life Coach, Speaker, Writer and Host of the Awaken Radio podcast show.

She has the past 7 years working with women from all around the world, supporting them to awaken their power, step into their potential and bring their dreams to life.

Through her private coaching practise and online courses, Connie guides women back into connection with their heart and inner wisdom so they can find clarity and guidance within. She supports her clients to awaken their authentic self, activate their divine power and uncover their deepest desires so they can manifest lives that they love.

Connie’s unique approach combines her 7 years of Life Coaching experience, 15+ years of personal growth work, plus powerful intuitive guidance that she channels for her clients and wider community.

Through her courses, private sessions and podcast show, Connie’s work is awakening the hearts, souls and minds of thousands of people from all around the world.


© Connie Chapman 2019 |