Life Upgrades & Moving Through Resistance (AR #89)

As we move through August and into September, many of us are experiencing significant changes rippling through our lives and unfolding within ourselves. We are in a time of upgrade, and there is an inner push to begin to step up and show up in new and bigger ways.

You may find that you are experiencing powerful levels of clarity about what you now desire, along with what is no longer in alignment and needs to be released for you to expand. You may also notice that key areas of your life – be it your relationships, home, work, finances, health or lifestyle – are being rearranged, reorganised or upgraded. You may be stepping into significant new beginnings at this time, and key areas of your life are shifting now, to accommodate the new dreams that you are ready for.

You may also be moving through significant shifts within yourself, and feeling a deep inner push from within to make new decisions, take new actions, upgrade your beliefs and habits, step more into your power and finally start showing up for the desires you have been thinking about for a long time.

However, alongside all of these exciting shifts and changes, you may also be noticing a helluva lotta resistance arising. By resistance I mean, procrastination, discomfort, wanting to avoid or put things off, emotional eating, distracting yourself on your phone, finding it hard to sit still and be alone, heaviness, fatigue and generally as though part of you is wanting to pull back and run away from all that you are being called into. 

The resistance that is arising for you now, may not be new. There may be old patterns surfacing and below those patterns, deep fears, insecurities or feeling of discomfort that have been holding you back and blocking you from moving forward for years.

August is our time to look at all of this and work through it. It is our month to simultaneously be fully owning our desires, to showing up in new ways and making courageous changes while also doing the inner work to clear, feel and face our resistance and fears so we can move beyond them.

I wanted to jump on the podcast and talk further about these themes and offer some tools and guidance to support you. My desire to do this came after I hosted a recent Instagram live where I began speaking about this upgrade and resistance energy. I had so many of you share that it deeply resonated with what you are feeling and working through, so I felt it important to dive deeper and share more with you on this.


In this episode I cover:

+ The current energy themes and how this may be impacting you at the moment.
+ Why we are currently in a period of upgrading our lives and ourselves and what this means.
+ The shifts I am personally feeling and how this energy is impacting me.
+ Why you may be being moving through big external change, or deep inner change at the moment.
+ Why your desire for expansion may also be triggering big, heavy resistance.
+ Powerful steps and practices to help you break through your resistance and move forward.
+ Why some of the foundational areas of your life are being rearranged right now.
+ The energy of 2020 and why we are in a period of preparation from now until the end of the year.
+ Why now is the time to move forward on ideas, plans and changes that you have been thinking about for a long time.
+ What to do if you are finding yourself getting caught in procrastination, avoidance, distracting yourself and not taking the steps you need to take.
+ The importance of body-based practices to help integrate the shifts you are moving through.
+ The power of creating space and stillness within yourself and your life so can hear the guidance of your intuition.
+ Why we are in a powerful time of cleaning up our life as we step into Virgo season.


Listen To The Episode:


Resources I Mention:

Slow Down & Tune In: Learn more about the course. Enrolments open soon.

The Dream Creator Mastermind: Learn more about the program. Next round begins January 2020.



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What is your biggest takeaway from today’s episode? Share with me in the comments.

With love,
Connie x

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