Radiance is what shines through a woman when she feels full, whole and nourished, connected to her body, anchored in her pleasure and embodied in her essence.
It is an energy that radiates through her when she is taking delicious care of herself, prioritising her wants and needs and filling herself up from within.
It is a sparkle that shines through her eyes when she is filled with what brings her pleasure, joy, aliveness, connection and inspiration in her life.
It is an inner light that exudes from her when she is embodied in her magnetic feminine energy.
This unique radiance emanates differently through every woman, but you know when you see it.
A woman embodied in her radiance carries a natural confidence, a warmth and an openness. The fullness she has created within, shines through her.
She is sourced from within, anchored in her heart, grounded deeply in her body and flowing with her inner wisdom.
She priorities herself, her needs, her desires and her pleasure and takes precious care of her energy.
Every woman has a natural inner radiance, but the busy lives we live make it hard for us to stay connected to it.
Our lives are full of demand's, pressures and stresses, and many of us are juggling a million things - families, careers, businesses and endless to do lists.
We seem to constantly get pulled into the energy of doing, giving, achieving, striving, hustling, saying yes, showing up and being who we think we 'should' be.
And in the process, we lose touch with our juicy radiance, sensuality, pleasure and our innate feminine magic.
Over time we become depleted and exhausted, weighed down by our commitments, overwhelmed by our endless to do's and living a life that keeps everyone else happy, but leaves us neglecting ourselves.
We wonder why we have created a life that looks good on the outside but is lacking true joy and fulfilment on the inside?
And so love, right now you might be feeling that...
• You're giving to everyone else and doing everything you 'need' to do but finding it hard to make any quality time for yourself.
• You're constantly in 'doing-mode', ticking items off your to-do list, rushing through the day and struggling to allow yourself to slow down, rest and just 'be.'
• You feel disconnected from yourself, your body, how you feel what you truly want and need.
• You feel out of touch with your sensual, flowy, magnetic feminine energy and what brings you pleasure, joy and fun.
• You're going through the motions with your self-care, like it's a checklist, but it doesn't actually leave you feeling nourished.
• You experience pangs of guilt when you prioritise yourself, allow yourself to rest or indulge in what feels pleasureable rather than productive.
• You're stuck in your head, endlessly thinking and worrying and finding it near impossible to truly drop into your body.
• You've been over-committing yourself, over-giving and saying Yes when you truly want to be able to implement boundaries and just say No.
• Life has been feeling heavy and lacking joy and you find yourself reminiscing on times where you felt more light, carefree and happy.
More than ever as busy, modern women we need to prioritise what nourishes our heart, souls and bodies.
We need to priortise ourselves.
If we want to feel full, nourished, and happy we have to start living in deeper devotion to what we truly need.
We need to devote to the practices that ignite our inner radiance, fill up our inner reserves and bring us back into connection with our true essence.
We need to bring ourselves to the top of the priority list and tend to our innermost desires.
We need to love ourselves enough to keep filling up our cup, nurturing ourselves and giving ourselves what we need to feel like our most radiant, empowered and magnetic self.
We need to journey back to our bodies and our hearts to understand what we are craving and yearning for and know how to give it to ourselves.
As women, we are nourished by pleasure. We are nurtured through self-care. Our energy is restored through sacred rituals. Our feminine comes alive through rest, play and joy.
And this is the key to becoming our highest and brightest self.
This is how we begin to reclaim our inner radiance.
Introducing, Reclaim Your Radiance
Reclaim Your Radiance is a 21 day journey of self-care rituals and embodiment practices to reconnect you with yourself and your body, awaken your feminine energy and activate your pleasure, joy and aliveness so you can finally put yourself first and feel like a radiant, magnetic goddess.
This is a 21 day journey of self care, coming back home to yourself, reconnecting with your body and filling yourself up from within.
You will be guided through self-care rituals, pleasure practices and embodiment work to create tangible shifts in your energy and how you feel.
You will learn how to step back into your power - no matter what is unfolding around you - so you can get back in charge of your inner state, give yourself what you most need and reconnect with your inner light, joy and aliveness.
You will learn how to create sacred time for yourself, nourish your body, nurture your energy, awaken your feminine essence and fill yourself up from within.
Reclaim your Radiance is not a content-heavy course.
This is not about learning new information and getting even more stuck in your head.
This is a practical journey with a focus on creating deeply embodied shifts that includes 21 powerful processes, rituals and embodiment practices for you to create radical changes in your energy and how you feel.
Reclaim Your Radiance will help you to:
√ Create a nourishing, feminine morning ritual that sets you up for your day
√ Connect with yourself through meditation and journaling
√ Get back in charge of how you feel
√ Come deep into your body through movement and embodiment practices
√ Fill yourself up from within
√ Connect with your pleasure every day in the simplest of ways
√ Shift and shake off heavy energy from your body
√ Nurture yourself through sacred self-care rituals
√ Cherish your body through loving touch
√ Awaken your sensuality and sexuality
√ Let go of what has been weighing you down and depleting you
√ Live in deeper connection with your feminine energy
√ Create daily rituals that nourish and nurture you
√ Treat yourself like the Queen that you are
√ Reconnect with your inner essence
√ Practice self-care in a way that doesn't feel like a chore
√ Activate joy from within
√ Turn on your magnetic energy
√ Strengthen your self-love and self-connection
This is for you if:
• You're ready to stop putting everyone and everything else before yourself and you want to start prioritising yourself and what you need.
• You're tired of being stuck in your head and you want to live more deeply in your body.
• You would love to feel more embodied in your feminine energy, pleasure, sensuality and radiance.
• Your self-care practices have been feeling stale (or have been totally neglected) and you're ready to learn new ways to nourish, nurture and take care of yourself.
• You would love to know how to get back in charge of your emotions and start feeling how you want to feel.
• You haven't been feeling like your best self (perhaps you're feeling depleted, disconnected and run down) and you want to reconnect with what makes you happy and lights you up.
• You would to feel more attuned to your inner voice, intuition and body wisdom.
• You're ready to feel more connected to your own wants, needs and desires so you can fully show up for yourself and operate from a space of overflow.
• You've been feeling energetically stuck and stagnant and you're craving tools to help you reset.
• You have had enough of reading books, listening to podcasts and consuming information, and you're now craving a deeply practical and embodied experience.
• You want to shake off any heavy lingering energy and come back to feeling like your bright, vibrant and energetic self.
Join Reclaim Your Radiance
Get instant access to the full 21 day program to work through at your own pace.
Radiance — Sending out light; shining or glowing brightly.
Your inner radiance is a natural part of who you are as a woman.
Reclaiming your radiance is about remembering that your inner radiance is a natural part of you and will naturally shine through when you are living in alignment.
It is only when you...
... become weighed down by things that don't nourish you
... burden yourself with 'should's' and 'have to's'
... say too many yes', when you want to say no
... put other people before yourself
... neglect your self-care and your deeper needs
... spend too much time in your masculine energy getting things done
... stop listening to what your body is asking for
... that you become dull, burdened and dim and you lose touch with the natural light, radiance and wholeness within you.
The good news is that the journey back to your inner radiance is simple, and it is much closer than you think.
All you have to do is come back into connection with what nourishes you, lights you up and fills you up from within.
And I designed Reclaim Your Radiance to help you do just that.
Here's What The Journey Includes:
Reclaim Your Radiance is a self-paced 21 day journey where you will be guided through the 7 potent modules.
Each module includes a range of self-care rituals, powerful processes and embodiments practices for you to dive into.
Over the 21 days you will receive an incredible library of practices for you to revisit over and over again.
We Will Cover:
Module One: Release The Heaviness
In your first module, you will release any heavy energy you are feeling and let go of what has been draining your energy, weighing you down and disconnecting you from your radiance. You will move through a letting go ritual and a powerful movement practice to release heaviness from your energy and take deep inventory of what is currently feeling out of alignment and draining.
Practices included: The Radiance Inventory Practice, Letting Go Ritual, Release Heavy Energy Movement Practice.
Module Two: Return To Yourself
In Module Two, you will be guided to tune in, draw your awareness inwards and come back to yourself. You will learn powerful practices to connect with your inner world and create shifts within yourself. We will cover how to begin coming deeper inwards into yourself and your body, along with how to use the practices of meditation and journaling to create clarity, calmness, lightness and grounding.
Practices included: Heart Meditation, Land Into Your Body Practice, Daily Journaling Practice.
Module Three: Connect With Your Beautiful Body
In Module Three, you will come deeper inwards by connecting with your beautiful body. You will be gently supported through practices that will help you feel a deeper sense of love, appreciation and connection with your body temple. You will be guided through a self-loving body massage ritual, an embodied movement practice, along with a an emotional alchemy practice to process and integrate your emotions.
Practices included: Self-Love Body Massage, Embodied Dance Practice, Emotional Alchemy Practice.
In Module Four, you will continue softening and opening by connecting in deeper with your inner feminine energy so you can awaken more radiance, pleasure, joy and lightness. You will be guided through a how to create a morning ritual that nourishes your feminine, a feminine embodiment practice along with a sacred, sensual movement practice to awaken the full range of your feminine energy.
Practices included: Feminine Morning Ritual, Feminine Embodiment Practice, Breast Massage Practice.
Module Five: Become A Pleasure Priestess
In Module Five, you will take your feminine work even deeper by exploring your pleasure. You will learn how pleasure is available in every moment, you just have to slow down to savour it and soak it up. You will be guided through a practice to activate more pleasure in your daily life, learn how to practice sensual eating, plus a yoni meditation to activate your pleasure potential.
Practices included: Sensual Pleasure Practice, Sensual Eating Practice, Yoni Meditation.
Module Six: Treat Yourself Like A Queen
In Module Six, you will explore self-care and start prioritising what you most need and desire in order to feel ravished, nourished and loved. You will learn how to spoil and treat yourself, create a luscious bath or shower ritual that nourishes you, and design self-care rituals that are tailored to exactly what you need.
Practices included: Luscious Bath Or Shower Ritual, Embody Your Inner Queen Meditation, Sacred Self-Care Ritual.
Module Seven: Activate Your Lightness & Joy
In Module Seven, you will complete your journey by calling in your lightness and joy. You will come back into connection with your playful, lighthearted, joy-filled inner essence. You will learn how to unleash your playful side through dance, explore your creativity, and anchor into your light through a deeply activating guided meditation.
Practices included: Playful Dance Practice, Bliss List Practice, Activate Your Light Practice.
You Will Receive:
Welcome Resources
As soon as you register you receive a Welcome Video, Program Overview Video, Intention Setting Workbook and a guided 'Sacred Space' practice to help you create a nourishing and sacred space for yourself to complete all your rituals and processes.
7 Video classes
Every module includes a supportive video class guiding you through the key principles of Reclaim Your Radiance journey.
21 Guided Embodiment Practices & Self-Care Rituals
You will receive powerful guided practices, processes and rituals that will create tangible shifts in your body, energy and emotions.
These include: Feminine Morning Routine, Emotional Alchemy Practice, Sensual Eating, Heart Meditation, Feminine Embodiment Practice, Guided Daily Journaling, Self-Love Body Massage, Letting Go Ritual, Embodied Dance, Yoni Meditation, Breast Massage and more.
A 90 minute recording of the Q&A Call from the 2022 round of Reclaim Your Radiance
This 90 minute Q&A Call recording is full of powerful questions and coaching guidance from the 2022 round of Reclaim Your Radiance.
Plus, the following Bonuses:
Bonus #1: A 90 minute recording of a Q&A Call from the 2021 round of Reclaim Your Radiance
This 90 minute Q&A Call recording is full of powerful questions and coaching guidance from the 2021 round of Reclaim Your Radiance. It covers boundaries, working through resistance, embodying feminine energy, embracing your emotions, shifting your energy, creating time and space for yourself, and more.
Bonus #2: A 90 minute recording of the Return To Yourself Masterclass
You will receive a replay of this powerful 90 minute Masterclass which will help bring you back into connection with yourself and your body so you can fill yourself up from within.
Bonus #3: A 90 minute recording of The Activate Your Pleasure, Power & Radiance Masterclass
You will receive a replay of this powerful 90 minute Masterclass which will help you shift your energy, come back into your power and reconnect with your feminine energy, pleasure and radiance.
A like-minded Facebook Community
Lifetime access to the resources
Access to any future live rounds
Private members site
The Reclaim Your Radiance practices have been designed to create deep and tangible shifts to your energy and how you feel.
All of the Reclaim Your Radiance practices and processes focus on embodiment.
This is all about creating shifts in and through your body.
We cannot create lasting change through awareness and knowledge only.
We create true change by shifting who we are being and the frequency we are radiating, and that happens through the body.
By working with these practices consistently you will change your energy and when you change your energy, you change your life.
Join Reclaim Your Radiance
Get instant access to the full 21 day program to work through at your own pace.
Take A Moment To Imagine:
• Feeling embodied in your feminine energy and moving through the world anchored in ease, flow, pleasure and joy.
• Being able to finally put yourself first, give yourself what you need.
• Feeling full, whole, nourished and lit up from within so you can overflow your radiant energy into every area of your life.
• Experiencing a deep sense of self-love and self-worth because you know you are taking wonderful care of yourself.
• Being able to come to yourself for what you most need rather than seeking and chasing it externally.
• Embodying a natural inner confidence that comes from deep self-love.
• Feeling calm, grounded and safe because you are anchored in your body rather than lost in the noise of your head.
• Feeling naturally magnetic in your energy so you can draw what you desire towards you.
• Having a powerful tool kit of self-care rituals and embodiment practices to draw on anytime you are feeling the need to fill up your inner cup.
Why I created Reclaim Your Radiance...
Back in 2020, the pandemic had just started and I was also navigating a lot of big changes in my personal life. Everything compounded and I found myself struggling with daily anxiety, fatigue and chronic insomnia.
After months of this I had totally and utterly lost my spark. I was exhausted and depleted. I felt dull, drained, disconnected from my essence and my light. I felt totally and utterly broken.
Then one day when writing in my journal for guidance, I received a clear message that I needed to return more deeply to my personal practices than ever before.
I was told it was time to reclaim my radiance.
Seeing I could not control what was happening around me, I knew I had to get back in charge of what was happening inside of me.
So, I recommitted deeply to showing up for myself, taking care of my energy and working with all of the personal practices that nourished me.
I re-devoted to my morning practice, my self-care rituals, my embodiment work. I committed to nurturing my pleasure and my inner feminine. I got intentional about connecting with my joy and light no matter what was happening around me.
It didn't take long for my energy to completely shift. Even though challenges were still unfolding around me, my inner light, power and joy had been reactivated.
I created Reclaim Your Radiance to share all of my go-to potent, transformative, deeply activating practices with you, so you too can reclaim your radiance, no matter what is happening around you.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is this a live or self-paced program?
Reclaim Your Radiance is a self-paced journey. When you purchase Reclaim Your Radiance, you will gain access to the full 21 day program to work through at your own pace.
My life is so full and busy, how will I fit this in?
Most of the practices run for between 10-15 minutes so they are easy to fit into your day.
What happens when I sign up?
You will receive 2 emails welcoming you to the course, and giving you your login details to the private members site. Then you will be able to start accessing your Reclaim Your Radiance resources right away!
How much live support do I get?
There isn't any life support offered with the self-paced version of the program, however you are welcome to join our Facebook Community to connect with other members in the program.
Do I get ongoing access to the resources?
Yes, you will have lifetime access to the course resources and you can revisit the any time you want.
How is this program different to Divine Femme?
Divine Femme is a longer, deeper and richer journey. It is a transformational course filled with powerful inner work to help you clear your blocks, reclaim your full feminine power, raise your worth and become magnetic to the life and relationships you desire. It is a live 3 month mentoring program with live 90 minute Masterclass and Group Coaching Calls that take you deep into the Divine Femme methodology.
Reclaim Your Radiance is a shorter journey. It is designed so that within 21 days you can re-set, reconnect with yourself and reprioritise your self-care, self-love, pleasure and joy through practical embodiment rituals and processes. Reclaim Your Radiance is a powerful introduction to feminine work and is a great stepping stone into Divine Femme.
Do you offer refunds?
Refunds are not available for this program.
Meet Your Mentor
Connie Chapman is a Certified Life Coach, Women's Empowerment Mentor and host of the Awaken Radio podcast.
For the past decade, through her Coaching Programs and Online Courses she has supported thousands of women to break through their inner blocks and step into their full potential.
Her mission is to help women embody their divine feminine energy and build a loving relationship with themselves, so they can feel confident, worthy, whole and empowered from within and become magnetic to the life and relationships they desire.
In her work she combines intuitive wisdom with transformational coaching skills and body-based practices to create deep and lasting change.