How To Work Through Your Relationship Triggers (AR #151)

Our closest relationship will often trigger our deepest past pains, insecurities and wounds.

When we don’t know how to work through what is coming up we can get stuck in cycles of reactivity, emotional dysregulation, blame, conflict and disconnection.

We need to learn and develop new, embodied and empowered ways to work through our triggers, hold ourselves through our feelings, regulate our nervous systems and do the inner work to heal our wounds at a root cause level.

If you are ready to finally understand why you keep getting triggered and how to resolve your triggers once and for all, this episode is for you.

In This Episode I Cover:

🌹 What it means to be triggered and why it happens
🌹 Why you subconsciously attract people and situations that trigger you
🌹 The key reasons why you’re stuck in your triggers and can’t move beyond them
🌹 The importance of slowing down and self-soothing
🌹 Tracking your fight, flight, freeze and fawn responses
🌹 How to regulate yourself when you’re feeling activated
🌹 Why over-talking and over-analysing is keeping you stuck
🌹 Practising the art of self-holding
🌹 Getting out of the story and into your sensations
🌹 How to get to the root cause of why you are feeling triggered
🌹 Using inner child work to heal your deeper wounds
🌹 How to shift out of victim energy and back into your power
🌹 The importance of taking responsibility for what is coming up for you
🌹 Responding to conflict in a regulated, embodied and empowered way

Listen to Episode #151:

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The Embodied Woman Free Training

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In this free 2-part training, you will learn the keys to becoming a deeply embodied woman so you can get out of your head, release hustle, endless doing, overachieving and burnout and begin to relax and melt back into the ease, nourishment and magnetism of your feminine energy. Discover tools and practices to connect with your body, turn on your eros, activate your feminine power and receive more of what you desire.

Register for the FREE training >

Divine Femme Is Enrolling Soon

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Divine Femme is a 6 month journey of deep healing, feminine embodiment and power reclamation where you will unravel from patterns of people-pleasing, perfectionism, self-sacrificing, over-achieving and functioning in your masculine energy and unlock deeper levels of self-worth, confidence, radiance, authentic expression and feminine power so you can become magnetic to the life and relationships you truly desire.

Learn more about Divine Femme >

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