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How To Be Guided By Your Feminine Intuition (AR #159)

Do you ever struggle to hear the voice of your intuition? Or do you feel confused about whether it is fear or intuition speaking to you? Your intuition is a form of feminine wisdom that is always within you. The key is to learn how to clearly recognise it, slow down and create space to […]

5 Keys To Awakening Your Sensuality & Magnetism (AR #158)

Your sensuality as a woman is your superpower. It is what allows you to feel goodness and pleasure in your own body and in the most simple, mundane moments. When you tap back into your innate sensual nature and lean back into your feminine energy, you literally become magnetic. You become full, whole and radiant […]

Become A Fully Expressed Feminine Woman – Embrace Your Light And Dark (AR #157)

The feminine is not here to be demure, sweet, submissive or toned down; she is here to be fully expressed in the full range of who she is. A fully expressed woman owns all of who she is, she dances between her light and dark energies, speaks her truth and allows ALL parts of her […]

How To Heal Your Mother & Father Wounds (AR #156)

The wounds you hold in your relationship with your mother and father not only deeply shape you as a woman, but they also shape your relationship with your masculine and feminine energies, the men you date and your female friendships. Healing your core mother and father wounds can help you get to the root cause […]

Enter Your Feminine Power Era (AR #155)

Do you ever find yourself drowning in your emotions, feeling passive and victimised by life and thinking that to be feminine you have to be soft, sweet and surrendered all the time? If so, you have likely fallen into the disempowered feminine. And if this is the case, it is time to tap into your […]

Your Wounded Masculine Energy Is Repelling What You Want (AR #154)

When a woman is in her wounded masculine energy, she will find herself pushing, forcing and hustling towards what she wants, always in go-mode, stuck in her mind, struggling to slow down and rest and using control to get her needs met. She may hold the belief that the harder she works and the more […]

Feeling Disconnected From Your Feminine Energy? Here’s Why (AR #153)

These days it is incredibly common for a woman to be living more from her mind and her masculine energy than she is from her body and her feminine energy. So today I am unpacking WHY this is. I am getting to the root cause of this disconnection from the feminine that keeps so many […]

The Keys To Becoming A Deeply Embodied Woman (AR #152)

An embodied woman is confident, radiant, magnetic, intuitive, embodied in her feminine energy and connected to her power. She knows how to inhabit her body deeply, feel and process her emotions, alchemise her inner blocks and she is deeply attuned to her sensuality, eros and pleasure. Embodiment is a key practice for any woman who […]

How To Work Through Your Relationship Triggers (AR #151)

Our closest relationship will often trigger our deepest past pains, insecurities and wounds. When we don’t know how to work through what is coming up we can get stuck in cycles of reactivity, emotional dysregulation, blame, conflict and disconnection. We need to learn and develop new, embodied and empowered ways to work through our triggers, […]

Navigating The Feminine Descent & Challenging Life Seasons (AR #150)

When life brings us challenges we can either fight against them, try to escape them and become victimised by them… or we can learn how to move through them with ease, grace and power. This is where we become artful in the feminine descent – we learn how to surrender and descend into our pains, […]

Heal From Good Girl Conditioning & People-Pleasing (AR #149)

Many women find themselves trapped in ‘good girl conditioning’ which leaves them people-pleasing, avoiding conflict, playing small and feeling held back in their expression. For a woman to step into her healthy, mature divine feminine energy, become fully expressed and embody your full power, her inner good girl will need to die. In this episode, […]

How To Slow Down & Live Guided By Your Body And Feminine Energy (AR #148)

So many women these days are feeling depleted, exhausted and burned out, because they are stuck in patterns of rushing, pushing, forcing and overriding the true pace and capacity of their body. It is not until a woman can learn how to slow down and listen to her body that she can truly drop into […]

Connie, Retouched - 16

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© Connie Chapman 2021