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Heal Your Masculine Energy So You Can Thrive In Your Feminine (AR #137)

The key to thriving in your feminine energy is having healthy inner masculine energy. Healthy inner masculine energy allows your inner feminine to feel safe, grounded and protected. It supports your feminine to get her needs met, set boundaries, achieve her dreams and create rituals, habits and structures that nourish her. In this episode, I […]

3 Keys To Activating Your Feminine Power (AR #136)

For a woman to truly feel safe embodying her feminine energy, it is necessary that she is anchored in her power.⁣ This means she is practising discernment, trusting her intuition, honouring her inner yes and no, protecting her energy, implementing boundaries, speaking her truth and communicating her wants and needs. Without a connection to her […]

How To Embody A Magnetic Frequency (AR #135)

Do you want to feel more magnetic so you can draw what you want towards you with ease? If so, today’s Awaken Radio episode is for you. In this episode, you are going to learn 3 key steps to creating and embodying a magnetic energy and frequency so that you can attract what you want […]

The #1 Key To Creating What You Want (AR #134)

In today’s raw and honest episode, I am sharing the story of a moment that changed my life. It was a moment that took me out of playing small, living inauthentically and begin ruled by fear, and put me onto the path of my soul purpose and the creation of my desires in an instant. […]

The Art Of Embodied Manifestation & How To Practice It (AR #133)

Would you like to know how to create and manifest what you desire in a way that feels embodied, nourishing and easeful? In today’s episode, I am diving deep into a conversation on embodied manifestation, which is an approach to manifesting that is guided by your body, your intuition and your feminine energy and is […]

Expand Your Capacity To Receive (AR #132)

Do you struggle to receive? If so, this episode for you. Today I am sharing the keys to expanding your capacity to receive so that you can not only call in and manifest more of what you desire, but you can also hold it. You will learn to open, soften and receive, come deeper into […]

How To Heal Wounded Feminine & Masculine Energy (AR #131)

When I first learned that our inner feminine and masculine energy can either express in a healthy empowered way, or in a wounded and shadow way, it shifted everything for me. I suddenly began to see how much I was operating in wounded feminine and masculine energy which was not only damaging my relationships but […]

Embodiment – What is it and why is it so important? (AR #130)

Today I am taking a deep dive into the topic of embodiment to explain what it is, and why it is such an important practice for women. Embodiment work is absolutely necessary for any woman who wants to break free from her limitations, access deeper levels of power, pleasure, worth, wholeness and magnetism and come […]

2023: A Year Of Devotion To The Feminine (AR #129)

I am excited to bring you my very first Awaken Radio episode of 2023! I am calling 2023 my year of devotion to the feminine and in this episode you will learn exactly what that means. At the end of 2022, I found myself feeling ready to release and complete an old way of being that […]

2022 Reflections: A Year Of Healing, Embodiment & Manifestation (AR #128)

My annual end-of-year reflection episode is here! In this 2022 reflections episode I review my year, walk you through all that I learned and I share my biggest lessons, achievements and challenges from my year of healing, embodiment and manifestation. Listen To Episode #128: Show Notes: AR 116 – 2022: A Year Of Simplicity, Self-Liberation […]

How To Become Magnetic To What You Want (AR #127)

I am excited to dive into a juicy chat on magnetism today! Magnetism is your ability to draw what you want into your life through your energy rather than having to chase after it through your action. This is a deeply feminine principle that is all about leaning back, receiving and manifesting what you desire […]

Living In Devotion To Your Feminine Desire (AR #126)

Today’s episode is all about desire and the importance of living in devotion to your own desires. Because your desires are your feminine wisdom moving through you and in order to create a life you love, you need to be claiming and owning your desires rather than ignoring and denying them. Today’s conversation will help […]

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© Connie Chapman 2021