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The Keys To Becoming A Deeply Embodied Woman (AR #152)

An embodied woman is confident, radiant, magnetic, intuitive, embodied in her feminine energy and connected to her power. She knows how to inhabit her body deeply, feel and process her emotions, alchemise her inner blocks and she is deeply attuned to her sensuality, eros and pleasure. Embodiment is a key practice for any woman who […]

How To Work Through Your Relationship Triggers (AR #151)

Our closest relationship will often trigger our deepest past pains, insecurities and wounds. When we don’t know how to work through what is coming up we can get stuck in cycles of reactivity, emotional dysregulation, blame, conflict and disconnection. We need to learn and develop new, embodied and empowered ways to work through our triggers, […]

Navigating The Feminine Descent & Challenging Life Seasons (AR #150)

When life brings us challenges we can either fight against them, try to escape them and become victimised by them… or we can learn how to move through them with ease, grace and power. This is where we become artful in the feminine descent – we learn how to surrender and descend into our pains, […]

Heal From Good Girl Conditioning & People-Pleasing (AR #149)

Many women find themselves trapped in ‘good girl conditioning’ which leaves them people-pleasing, avoiding conflict, playing small and feeling held back in their expression. For a woman to step into her healthy, mature divine feminine energy, become fully expressed and embody your full power, her inner good girl will need to die. In this episode, […]

How To Slow Down & Live Guided By Your Body And Feminine Energy (AR #148)

So many women these days are feeling depleted, exhausted and burned out, because they are stuck in patterns of rushing, pushing, forcing and overriding the true pace and capacity of their body. It is not until a woman can learn how to slow down and listen to her body that she can truly drop into […]

Release Your Masculine Shield & Unguard Your Feminine Heart (AR #147)

Many women come to my work feeling that they are ‘too in their masculine’ However, the truth is that these women aren’t masculine, they are actually deeply feminine at their core. Yet they have built an outer exterior of masculine energy (their masculine shield) which is blocking them from accessing their feminine. In this episode, […]

Stop Glorifying Consistency & Embrace Your Feminine Cycles (AR #146)

Feminine energy is cyclical, yet so many women are trying to force themselves to show up in a linear and consistent way. This pursuit of consistency leaves a woman needing to step into her masculine energy and override her body and feminine to get results. In this episode, you will learn how to stop glorifying […]

How to Overcome The Fear Of Being Judged By Others (AR #145)

One thing that keeps women playing small, hiding and holding back their full expression is fearing the judgement of others. This fear keeps women trapped in their wounded feminine energy, lacking confidence and struggling to be their authentic selves. In this episode, you will learn 4 powerful steps for overcoming the fear of others judgment […]

Your Feelings Need To Be Felt, Not Fixed (AR #144)

Do you tend to resist feeling uncomfortable emotions, sensations or feelings when they arise? Do you try to get rid of them, fix them and make them go away? Do you find yourself overthinking them and getting more stuck? The solution is to learn the feminine art of emotional alchemy. This practice invites you to […]

5 Feminine Keys To Expanding & Uplevelling Your Life (AR #143)

Ready to learn how to expand and uplevel your life in a way that doesn’t involve hustling, forcing, burning out or over-working? In this episode, I am sharing 5 feminine keys that will support you to expand and uplevel your money, business, career and relationships in a deeply embodied, sustainable, feminine and nourishing way. In […]

Transform Your Relationships By Reclaiming Your Feminine Energy (AR #142)

The biggest area that I see transform for women when they begin doing their feminine healing & embodiment work is their RELATIONSHIPS. It is through reconnecting with your feminine energy that you can begin to attract healthy, loving partnerships, heal old relationship patterns, get your needs truly met, feel deeply held, seen and heard and […]

Are You Living From Your Wounding Or Your Power? (AR #141)

If there is any part of your life that is not thriving right now, it is likely that there is a wounded pattern running in this area. Our wounding comes from childhood and keeps us stuck in patterns of people-pleasing, over-working, over-giving, worrying what others think and seeking externally for love, validation and approval. Through […]

Connie, Retouched - 16

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© Connie Chapman 2021