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How To Trust & Follow Your Intuition (AR #125)

Today I am talking on one of my favourite topics – intuition. Living from your intuition is about reclaiming your feminine wisdom, trusting deeply in yourself, embracing the unknown and living from your body wisdom. Your intuition is your inner truth and although following it may take you into the unknown, it will always guide […]

8 Keys To Embodying Your Divine Feminine Energy (AR #124)

Today I am offering you 8 powerful keys to embodying your divine feminine energy. Awakening your divine feminine energy is not just about becoming more feminine. It is a journey of awakening your full power and potential as a woman. It is about living guided by feminine wisdom, healing your relationship to the masculine, trusting […]

How To Heal Your Inner Child: My 5 Step Process (AR #123)

Inner child healing is one of the most powerful processes you can use to create deep and lasting change and transformation. It allows you to get to the root cause of your challenges, re-program deep limiting beliefs and patterns and heal your relationship with yourself. I have been using inner child healing for years in […]

The True Path Of Feminine Living (AR #122)

This episode is a powerful deep dive into what it truly looks like to walk the path of feminine living. I share why feminine embodiment is not just about dancing in flowing dresses, being sensual and exploring your pleasure, but truly it is a path of descent, deep healing, shadow work, and self-liberation. This episode […]

Why Putting Yourself First Is An Act Of Self-Love (AR #121)

Many of us as women find it difficult to put ourselves first and prioritise our needs and instead we can tend to put everyone and everything ahead of ourselves. This is often because we learned at some point in our life to be the good girl, people-please, keep everyone happy and over-give in order to […]

Living In Deeper Connection With Yourself & Your Body (AR #120)

For us to thrive as women, we need to be living in deep connection with ourselves and our body. We need to attuned to what we are feeling, what we are needing and what fills us up from within. It is easy for us to fall into patterns of self-abandonment when life gets busy – […]

How To Manifest Your Desires With Ease, Flow & Trust (AR #119)

I recently put a Q&A poll on my Instagram stories where I asked you how you wanted manifesting your desires to feel and the responses came through with some very clear common themes. You shared that you wanted manifestation to feel natural, easeful, fun, effortless and enjoyable. You want to be able to trust the […]

Becoming The Next-Level Version Of Yourself (AR #118)

It is currently Eclipse season, and I don’t know about you, but under this energy, I am feeling a big inner push to uplevel! I can feel that my next-level desires are asking for me to step into a new version of myself. I am being called to grow, shift and change and become the […]

How I Manifested An Interstate Move & A Dreamy New Home (AR#117)

I am finally emerging after going through a big transition of moving interstate and manifesting a dreamy new home, and today I am walking you through the whole process! I take you back to when this desire very first came to me, the inner and energy work I did to align with it, how I […]

2022 – A Year Of Simplicity, Self-Liberation & Soulful Success (AR #116)

I am excited to bring you my first episode of 2022. I am loving the energy of this year already and even though we are only a few weeks in, so much feels different (and I feel different) on a really deep level. I have called this episode 2022: A year of Simplicity, Self-Liberation and […]

2021 Wrap Up: My Reflections, Lessons & Learnings (AR #115)

I am excited to share my annual end of year reflection episode that I love to do every year. In my final Awaken Radio episode of 2021, I am reviewing my year, reflecting on my key lessons, learnings and takeaways from this year and sharing with you what worked well for me this year. I […]

Heal Your Relationship With Your Body (AR #114)

For years, my relationship with my body was a huge struggle point in my life. Since I was 19 this struggle has included everything from a disordered relationship with food, judgement and criticism of my appearance, avoiding my emotions, and numbing out to my body’s experience through emotional eating and substances. And it was only recently, […]

Connie, Retouched - 16

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© Connie Chapman 2021