Navigating The Feminine Descent & Challenging Life Seasons (AR #150)

When life brings us challenges we can either fight against them, try to escape them and become victimised by them… or we can learn how to move through them with ease, grace and power.

This is where we become artful in the feminine descent - we learn how to surrender and descend into our pains, challenges and hurts, open to what they are gifting us, and emerge from them reborn, renewed, and transformed.

If you are ready to learn a more easeful and empowered way of navigating challenging seasons of life, this episode is for you.

In This Episode I Cover:

🌹What it means to journey the feminine descent
🌹The life events that catalyse a season of descent
🌹The trap of always trying to be positive, happy and high vibe
🌹How to not be victimised by your challenges
🌹How I journeyed my recent season of grief, pain and descent
🌹How to practice radical acceptance of what is
🌹The importance of feeling your uncomfortable emotions
🌹Surrending to life when nothing makes sense
🌹How to alchemise your pain into power
🌹Opening into the void, the mystery and the unknown
🌹Finding the gifts, lessons and blessings in your challenges
🌹The importance of receiving support and letting yourself be held
🌹How to rise from your descent renewed, reborn and transformed!

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Divine Femme is a 6 month journey of deep healing, feminine embodiment and power reclamation where you will unravel from patterns of people-pleasing, perfectionism, self-sacrificing, over-achieving and functioning in your masculine energy and unlock deeper levels of self-worth, confidence, radiance, authentic expression and feminine power so you can become magnetic to the life and relationships you truly desire.

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