3 Keys To Activating Your Feminine Power (AR #136)

For a woman to truly feel safe embodying her feminine energy, it is necessary that she is anchored in her power.⁣

This means she is practising discernment, trusting her intuition, honouring her inner yes and no, protecting her energy, implementing boundaries, speaking her truth and communicating her wants and needs.

Without a connection to her power, a woman will feel vulnerable and unsafe in her feminine.

She will feel weak, insecure, needy, passive and powerless. ⁣She will fear being controlled, dominated and taken advantage of. She will not be able to soften, open her heart and allow herself to receive.

In today’s Awaken Radio episode, I am offering you 3 keys to activating your feminine power so you can awaken your healthy feminine energy, implement boundaries, honour yourself, get your needs met and feel cherished, protected and safe.

In This Episode I Cover:

🌹Breaking the myth that feminine energy is not powerful
🌹Signs you’re operating from wounded, disempowered feminine energy
🌹The difference between feminine and masculine power
🌹How to implement boundaries to protect and honour your energy
🌹The importance of activating your voice, speaking your truth and communicating your wants and needs
🌹How to protect your feminine energy without closing
🌹Why your intuition is your feminine superpower
🌹The power of your body wisdom and your inner Yes and No
🌹 How to be deeply empowered while also being soft, receptive and feminine
🌹 Why women need healthy inner masculine energy in order to feel safe in their feminine

Listen to Episode #136:

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Divine Femme is a 6 month transformational group mentoring journey of deep healing, self-liberation and feminine embodiment where you will unravel from limiting patterns of self-doubt, people-pleasing and never feeling enough and step into the full embodiment of your feminine power, worth, radiance and wholeness.

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