Naomi Chambers

Working with Connie has been such a soulful, heart centric experience… so incredibly deep.

The space she created for me to be honest and vulnerable and to really go deep within my core was such a powerful (tear-filled) experience and I am forever grateful for that. Connie held my hand while I looked within, pushed me to step up, challenged me to go deeper. 

Connie taught me how to transform my entire way of being. I now feel a sense of calmness and contentment with my life. I feel gratitude. I am present and grounded.

I no longer worry about the past or the future or allow these stories that my mind or ego has created to guide my decisions. I’ve learnt not to be negative or judgemental or too hard of myself. Working with you has helped me understand and accept that I am enough.

Once I stopped looking at life from a fearful and lack mentality, I started creating abundance and wealth in my life, both financially and in my relationships with others.

I’ve acted on dreams and desires I’ve had, that previously I would talk myself out of doing due to fear.

Connie has truly set the bar high for the next coach I work with… if I ever do work with anyone else because my feeling says – book only Connie!