Playing Big (From The Heart)

There is a big difference between playing big from your head and playing big from your heart. Playing Big from your head is where you try to make shit happen, force outcomes to unfold and control circumstances so they go your way. Often this comes from a fear driven energy.

What I want to encourage you to do instead, is play big from the heart. Big actions from the heart are driven by love. You want to play big because it is what your heart calls you to do. You want to play big because it is true for you.

Playing big from the heart is about showing more of your true self to the world.


Playing Big Is Different For Everyone

You can not possibly compare your version of playing big to someone else’s. What ‘playing big’ means to you, could mean something very different to someone else.

Some of the steps I will be taking to play bigger may seem small to you. Similarly some of the things I share about playing big may seem way bigger than anything you would want to do. Both of those scenario’s are fine. This is all about where you are at, and taking things to the next level for you.


Video: Play Big (From The Heart)

Ask Yourself:

What does playing big mean to me?

What steps do I feel called to take in order to take my life, my health, my business, my relationship to the next level?

How can I share more of who I really am with the world?


Are you feeling the inner urge to want to step up and play bigger in your life or business? What is your heart calling you towards? Share them with me in the comments below.

With love,

Connie x

17 thoughts on “Playing Big (From The Heart)”

  1. Gorgeous. LOVE IT. And I wholeheartedly agree honey.
    To me, the drive to ‘play bigger’ starts with this soft, burning feeling within. It’s like an upheaval, a part of my essence that’s ready to come out in play- and often that means getting out of our comfort zones.

    It’s scary, but essential, and I’m going along for the ride!

  2. I agree Tara, I feel like I am constantly dancing around the edge of my comfort zone at the moment, and it is damn scary. But that soft burning feeling within (as you so beautifully put it) keeps lovingly encouraging me forward.

    I just watched your vlog today too honey and woo hoo!! If that isn’t playing big from the heart, then I don’t know what is! Your retreat sounds divine xx

  3. Connie, what a beautiful message & just what I needed to hear this morning! It’s so exciting to see that so many are ready and willing to step up and listen to their heart. For me “playing big” is all about living the intention that I set for myself at the beginning of the year, which is – be who you are! I’ve been doing the best I can to tune into that heart energy and the actions I’ve been called to take and what has transpired over the last few days has made my heart soar and my head spin!!

    For now, I am continually reminding myself this isn’t a race, there is no competition or comparasion. It’s a gradual process of really believing in myself, my abilities and listening to (+ trusting) that inner wisdom!

    Absolutely loving the idea of weekly vlog posts! x

    1. Michelle, I love your intention! This really is what playing big is all about. It has nothing to do with ‘getting somewhere’ or comparing our journey to anyone else. It really is about tuning in to ourselves and reconnecting with who we really are. Then, it is about finding the courage to share that true version of ourselves with the world. Thank you for your gorgeous comment xx

  4. Great topic, I love it! And you’re so right. My experience has taught me that playing bigger from your head can actually be pretty damaging to your spirit, which can have a whole lot of nasty side effects. In contrast, playing bigger from your heart always nourishes you.

    It sounds like March is gonna be kick ass!


    1. Beautifully said Kate. I have ‘tried’ to play big from my head in the past and it is really destructive and exhausting! Let’s make March all about joyful expansion. Yay! xx

  5. Awesome post Connie – you really hit the nail on the head with this one! This month I have so many new things on the go my new program Cosmopolitan Wellness, hosting webinars and organising the next Live Apire Blog event. Even though life is busy, I feel supported in what I’m doing which makes it not even feel like work 90% of the time.

    Oh and I can’t wait to hear you speak! 🙂 xx

    1. Thanks Jess. I have noticed that when we tune in to play big from the heart, opportunities come thick and fast. But you’re totally right – the thing that makes it so beautiful is that it doesn’t even feel like work x

  6. Love your vlogs, always, Connie!
    I’m super crazy jealous of everyone signing up for B-school. But as a registered nurse and part time blogger (on a VERY small, new blog) I just can’t quite resonate with such a sharp turn off my current path. Fear is playing a big role in this, but also financial security is so vital for me right now. I’d love to hear about your B-school journey and who knows, that may very well be me starting up next year! Good luck and have a blast xx

    1. Hi Erin, Bschool will definitely be there next year, and it has your name written all over it!! It is important to make the decision based on what is right for you, and at this moment it might not quite be the right time. But trust that everything is unfolding for you exactly as it is supposed to be. Keep focusing on what your heart is calling you towards and everything you need to take that next step will show up xx

  7. I love your videos!
    I really like this topic. I´m under training at IIN, and it´s all about putting yourself out there and play big.
    This year I will focus on my training at IIN, but hope I can sign up for B-school next year.
    Good luck xx

    1. Thank you Sarah! It is awesome that you are taking some big beautiful steps through your IIN training. It would be awesome to see you in the Bschool next yea rxx

  8. Yay! B-School buddy! I got over the uhmming and aaahhhing and finally signed up on Saturday morning. I am loving the first videos and loving the community of beautiful business ladies!
    Def. going to be a BIG year. Good luck, I hope you have a very successful year! xxx

    1. Woo hoo Nicola!! I think the Bschool community is one of the most powerful aspects of the program. Can’t wait to share this exciting journey with you! Connie x

  9. Hi Connie!!
    first thing first, I love your video! It’s so powerful and inspiring!!

    Playing big..mmm…for’s taking care of my inner self, it’s time to take care of my heart. I want to create a better and larger space to listen to myself.

    Thanks xx

    1. Daniela, that is SO beautifully put. Playing big does not necessarily have to be about outward action. Well done for recognising that what is really important to you, is creating more space for yourself and creating a deeper connection with your true self. Simply gorgeous xx

  10. Beautiful babe! So true, I’m definitely playing BIG in my biz and life this year — in the sense of the word of stepping up, shining 100% and fully showing up. It feels so easy and graceful, and divinely feminine, it kinda feels AWESOME to be a woman woohoo! Being able to live from my heart, and just be myself, and receiving abundance – that’s the feminine way of being! Wooop! x

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