I want to begin this post by saying that if you have ever struggled with comparison (or are caught up in it at the moment) you are most definitely not alone. With our lives and businesses being so highly visible these days, and with so many people creating and doing incredible things in the world, it is easy to fall into the habit of measuring ourselves against them.
Now rather than beating up on yourself for falling into the comparison trap can you simply witness the pattern, forgive yourself and then let it go. That is the first step to breaking free.
As with every low-level thought pattern that we get stuck in, we always have two choices. We can get pulled down into the deep dark depths of the fearful thinking, or we can choose to shift ourselves out of this icky space and into something new.
Every time these old patterns arise, we are provided with a powerful opportunity to shift our perspective and take a more loving and empowering viewpoint.
And this is where true healing happens. Not by trying to avoid the feeling of comparison, but by learning how to work with it. Dance with it. Transform it.
Comparison doesn’t have to take you down to crazy town. And in today’s video I am going to share with you why it can in fact support you to do the exact opposite.
Video: Caught Up In Comparison?
In today’s video I share with you the one powerful question that helped pull me out of a comparison funk and instead shift into a space of inspiration and new-found motivation.
Key points from this video:
+ When you see someone stepping into their greatness, creating something incredible and manifesting amazing results, choose to use it as a powerful form of inspiration to rise into your own greatness.
+ You always have a choice in how you respond – Will you shrink or rise in the face of greatness?
+ You can use other people’s success as an opportunity to devalue and criticise yourself, or it can be a powerful catalyst for you to elevate yourself, play bigger and expand into our potential.
+ Get honest with yourself – What is this person doing differently to you? Are there actions you are being called to take but you are shying away from? What action are you ready to take so that you can embody and express your own greatness?
Don’t wallow in jealousy and use the other person as a reason to devalue your incredible gifts and play yourself down.
Instead, say thank you to that person for igniting your own inner desire to be brilliant, and bring your attention back to making your own magnificent vision a reality.
Would you love some support to release comparison and uncover your own greatness? In my 1:1 coaching programs you will work closely with me and receive practical and personalised guidance.
Read more about my coaching options, or email me at [email protected] to book a complimentary Discovery Session.
What tends to trigger your own patterns of comparison and envy? What action steps are you ready to now take to step into your own greatness? Share with me in the comments.
With love,
Connie x
Totally been doing this to myself lately. Thanks so much for making me see it all differently. I’ll definitely be keeping this in mind and changing my thought patterns to be positive and inspirational. Can’t wait to get Started on Sunday 🙂
Yep all it takes is that little mindset shift and it make such a difference. I think there will always be opportunities to fall into comparison, but we have the power to think about it differently x
So beautiful connie thank you so much xxx
Oh thank you Anita xx
Amazing honey x
Thank you gorgeous woman! x
Connie! This was just what I needed to see and read. I have had this little niggle that a big time food blogger is just killing it…and I just aspire to be doing what she is doing. It seems she gets all the waves….ahh! It was a crazy dialogue I had going around in my head. I have toyed with lots of ways to beat this stuff and just turn down the volume. I love this “Rise or Shrink” question and I love switching the mindset to look at what is in front of you as an example of what is possible. I sometimes think that because on person is doing it that there isn’t room for another of the same kind of approach- scarcity of what right? BUT: that’s not correct- have you got some tools for that? Or would it be much the same as what you discuss above? love and radiance Sarah xx
Sarah I am so glad this came at the right time for you. I am the same – my comparison voice fills me with scarcity, but there is SO much abundance in the world and so much for all of us. If we have each been given gifts, ideas, talents and things to share with the world then we must know and trust that we can experience wild success doing it. I think it is our job to almost ‘put the blinkers on’ and really focus in on our own unique offerings, message or approach and also focus in on our community and do whatever we can each day to serve the people who want to hear from us and keep following what we love each day. If we do that, abundance will always find us xx