When Following Your Intuition Makes No Sense (+ An Update From Me)

Over the past few months I have been learning to surrender to my intuition completely, hand over the reigns of my life and allow myself to be guided. And as a result, I have found myself flowing through a transformative, intricate and at times confusing process.

We are all intuitive, and we all have the ability to tune inwards to receive clarity, insights and guidance. The challenge then arises when you are asked to act on it

Your inner wisdom may guide you to make decisions that scare you, to let go of something you dearly love, to step outside your comfort zone, or to walk a path that is brand new.

It will show you this journey one step at a time, and ask you to place your faith in it fully.

Living intuitively is a journey of releasing all that you know, and allowing your deeper, inner knowing to lead you. Your ability to live this way is directly related to your willingness to surrender, release control and embrace the unknown.

Yes, at times it can be scary, but if you want to get clear on what is truly right for you, feel supported and guided and manifest a life that feels deeply fulfilling to you, you must  be listening to your intuition.


Video: When Following Your Intuition Makes No Sense

In today’s video I give you an insight in my own personal experience of following my intuition, even when it makes no sense. 

Many of you have watched over the past few months as I have stepped away from my business, closed my coaching calendar and made some big changes.

In today’s video you will come to understand why this has all been happening.

I also share with you the key things you need to be practising (and looking out for) if you too want to learn to tap into the divine, magical and mystical wisdom of your intuition.



Key Points From This Video:

+ Living intuitively means following your inner guidance moment by moment, even if you have no idea where it is taking you. This way of living will take you outside logic and ‘your plan’ and may at times not make any sense.

+ Your mind loves to create confusion by over-analysing and thinking, but if you want clarity and answers you have to drop into to your body to feel your truth.

+ Following your inner guidance may bring up discomfort, fear and resistance, and this is totally ok! Let yourself feel it and move through it, but don’t let it stop you.

+ Your mind will try to form conclusions and make sense of your intuitive nudges. Try to not do this, but rather stay very open, trust the process and allow the path to appear in it’s own time.

+ Living intuitively will require you to surrender. You will be asked to release ‘your plan’, and what ‘you’ think is right for you, so that you can instead be still, open up and listen.


Would you love some support to develop a stronger connection with your intuition? In my 1:1 coaching programs you will work closely with me and receive practical and personalised guidance.

Read more about my coaching options, or email me at connie@conniechapman.com to book a complimentary Discovery Session.


How do you feel about following your intuition even when it makes no sense? Have you previously (or perhaps currently) followed your inner wisdom beyond logic? Share your story with me in the comments below.


With love,

Connie x

20 thoughts on “When Following Your Intuition Makes No Sense (+ An Update From Me)”

  1. Connie – this is brilliant!

    I can absolutely relate after going through something like this myself… but I let circumstances get to ‘breaking point’ before I realised that my intuition had alerted me/encouraged me to ‘make changes’ sooner. The whole process (though very roller coaster-esque) taught me so much about being more open (read: less rigid) and learning to check in with my intuition.

    You have articulated this idea so beautifully – thank you x

    1. Connie Chapman

      Lisa that is actually often how the process of working with our intuition begins. We hear it but don’t yet trust it to act on it right away, so then we hit breaking point. But then we hear it again, and this time we act on it a little sooner. And then we hear it again, and this time we act on it right away. It takes practise beautiful and it may feel like a roller coaster initially, but in time it will settle down and you’ll feel a lot more in the flow xx

  2. A beautiful video and message Connie! I am currently on maternity leave, awaiting the arrival of my bub…but I have been thinking about how I plan on running my business when I return later in the year. I’m a personal trainer & fitness and self-care coach. I have had a strong feeling to pull back on my group classes and personal training and focus more on coaching, eCourse, angel card readings and an eBook. This is a scary thought for me because the fitness part of my business is my main income stream, but I have this strong feeling to change direction. It is nice to know I am not alone in this confusing thought process.

    1. Connie Chapman

      Oh Kylie that is so beautiful. Our intuition always guides us towards the greatest expression of our highest soul gifts. This is where trust comes in, because it may go against what you are used to doing, but you wouldn’t be being called in this direction if it wasn’t right for you. Keep listening to those little soul whispers and take it one step at a time. This new chapter for you sounds incredibly exciting and I cannot wait to watch it unfold xx

  3. Connie, this video couldn’t have come at a better time- thank you! I’ve had some intuitive thoughts recently that make absolutely no sense at all, but I know they’re guiding me for a reason, and I have to trust that there is something there for me. I often try and rush things, but only seem able to focus on that little ‘box’ that is the present at the moment (which is great!).

    I’m not sure where it’ll all lead, but I’m curious to find out. This was such an interesting video- thank you my love. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for you! xxx

    1. Connie Chapman

      Katie, that is exactly how you know you are following your intuition – you don’t know where you’re going haha 🙂 Our mind will definitely try to rush things so that it can be in control and feel safe and also have more information so it can see what is happening. But there are so many beautiful lessons to learn here in presence, trust and surrender so I encourage you to keep going and taking it one step at a time. Lots of love x

  4. Thank you so much Connie, you seem be a real guide for me in this life, I’m going through a heart lead transition myself and I have to say I’m not doing it with such ease and grace as you so it is refreshing to see that this path can grow into trust and peace, I love you and your light thank you x blessing

    1. Connie Chapman

      Oh Anita, there was a lot of moments of ‘non peace and grace’ behind the scenes. This is definitely a challenging process and I had to move through alot of emotion and fear in order to reach this space. Don’t judge your process beautiful and allow it to be as messy as it needs to be x

  5. I frickin LOVE the section in this video about not assuming the outcomes on your inner guidance. Exactly the message I needed to hear. You rock xx

    1. Connie Chapman

      Ruth, I would actually say that is one of the hardest parts haha!! It requires alot of surrender and detachment but it allows the Universe to bring you something magical and unexpected that can (often) exceed anything you could actually dream up yourself! x

  6. So much wisdom as always Connie! Thank you so much for this 🙂 I’ve been feeling a little in a funk lately and I can’t really put my finger on it. I feel it might be my inner guidance telling me that the next phase of my life is about to commence and it may be time to start preparing myself for moving into part time work so I can spend more time on my business. This is something I thought wouldn’t be happening for about 6 months so it’s come as quite a shock to me! Thanks again for spreading this powerful message xxx

    1. Connie Chapman

      It is beautiful that what I shared here has given you a little insight in to what this ‘funk’ might be Jess. It began for me as a niggling feeling that something was no longer working and feeling right, which then prompted me to dive a little deeper and listen for what I was being called to change. Sounds like a very similar experience for you hun. Keep listening in to that voice and allowing it to guide you, even if it doesn’t fit in to what you expected 🙂 x

  7. Wonderful … Just at the right time !
    Going through the same process …. All those feelings were coming in and deep down my heart I knew this is what I need to do , but as you say … our mind ‘ pulls us back to the familiar ‘ so to speak before we can learn to let it go completely …. and what feels like struggle is a sign of we are ready for the next step. Besides I also felt like not taking any clients myself … I started feeling grumpy and irritated , what use to give me joy ‘ was no longer there it seemed. Your video is an amazing confirmation and I can’t thank you enough for the sharing it with all of us.
    Keep shinning your light ! All the best to you Connie

  8. Hi Connie, I ‘ve been listening to your videos about living intuitively and putting your advice into practice. Since I became a mother, I have been juggling balls, multitasking, making sure everything is taken care of. I thought that made me a good mum. But after 6+ yrs of doing that, I felt stressed out, burn-out and hated the way I was living my life,constantly over-analysing things.It felt messy. I knew in my heart that was wrong. Lately, I have been trying to live in the present, slowing down and focusing on one thing at a time.Acknowledging my feelings and listening to my heart more.I am starting to feel calmer, less stressed and more in control of my life. My life is changing positively , thanks to your words of wisdom, your attitude to life and coaching lessons. Thanks a mil and continue to care and share. Carole, Ireland

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