How To Become Magnetic To What You Want (AR #127)

I am excited to dive into a juicy chat on magnetism today!

Magnetism is your ability to draw what you want into your life through your energy rather than having to chase after it through your action.

This is a deeply feminine principle that is all about leaning back, receiving and manifesting what you desire in your life with pleasure, ease and flow. Say goodbye to hustle and burnout!

Magnetism is all about the energy you embody and so in this episode, I am offering you 6 key steps to turning on your magnetic energy so you can draw what you want into your life.

Listen To Episode #127:

In This Episode I Cover:

🌹Your magnetism comes from the energy you are embodying and radiating
🌹How your energy impacts what you manifest and draw in to your life
🌹Why the masculine approach to manifestation depletes us as women
🌹How to cultivate a magnetic energy within you
🌹What is means to become an ‘energetic match’ to what you want
🌹The difference between aligned action and frenetic action
🌹How to relax into a space of trust around your desires
🌹Why leaning back into your feminine turns on your magnetism
🌹How to be happy before what you want arrives
🌹Why appreciating what you already have makes you magnetic to more

Show Notes:

Watch The Video:

Creatress Enrolments Close This Week

Creatress is a 7 week live online program where you will learn a feminine approach to magnetising and manifesting your desires so you can break free from self-doubt and stuckness and start creating the life you truly want with pleasure, ease and flow.

In Creatress, you will be guided through masterclasses, powerful embodiment practices and manifestation rituals to raise your vibration, elevate your energy and bring you into full alignment with what you want.

You will walk out of this program with manifestation demystified and you will finally understand how to bring your desires to life.

You will have a step-by-step feminine framework to follow for any desire you wish to manifest, plus, you will receive live coaching and support with any manifestation roadblocks that come up along the way!

Enrollments close this Sunday 6th November!

Learn more about Creatress >

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