Let There Be Space

Today I stumbled across a video blog that I recorded before I moved house, yet never posted. As I re-listened to it, I realised the message was so relevant to what I am currently experiencing, so I felt I wanted to share it.

Over the past few weeks, I have been feeling the desire to take a big step back from my work and give myself a lot of space. I have been dropping the ‘need to’s, have to’s and should’s‘ and I have been giving myself permission to do what I feel.

My priorities have shifted from ticking items off a do list and working to grow my business, to dropping deeply into a gentle space of self-care and self-love. This has included sleeping in, long and leisurely morning yoga classes, starting work at 10am rather than 8am, taking frequent breaks to nap, getting into nature or laying in the sunshine, epic consumptions of green smoothies and early nights curled up in bed with a soul-nourishing book.

Creating this space has not been easy. I have felt a lot of resistance and at times anxiety. I have been at a war between the voice telling me to get to work, and the voice calling me to rest. I have had to release my attachments to my work, my desire to be in control, my habits of excessive doing and my fear of missing out. 

It has felt uncomfortable, but I have made a deep commitment to listen to my body over my mind. The rest, quietness and space is now allowing beautiful new ideas and visions for my work to drop in. I can now see exactly why I have been guided to take this step back.


The Feeling Of Inner Space

Creating this external space, has supported me in feeling so much inner space. I now have the inner space to hear my heart’s true desires, the whisper of my inner guidance and the loving voice of my inner cheerleader.

Inner space feels has felt like a sigh of relief. It has given me freedom from my incessant thoughts. It feels like a calm stillness, and a greater connection with my body. 

As my self-imposed demands, and attachments to the external world have fallen away, I have dropped into a deep sense of contentment. I am now learning that I can feel deeply satisfied with my life, even when I am doing nothing. I do not have to earn it or strive for it. I can love and embrace where I am and who I am,  just as I am. It is an incredible feeling.

I know many people do not have the luxury I do of being able to take break to sleep and do yoga whenever they feel, so I feel very grateful for the lifestyle I have been able to create.

So, in today’s video I share a message for those of you who feel really busy and want to experience more of this inner spaciousness. I support you in the process of allowing there to be more space in your world and your self.


Video: Let There Be Space

To recap what was covered in this video:

+ If you feel like you already have space in your life right now, let it stay there, don’t fill it!

+ To create more inner space focus on taking a pause between the transitions of your day. Take these a moments to check in with yourself, take a few deep breaths and tune into how you are feeling.

+ Bring your attention to the space between breaths, the space between your words, and the space between your thoughts. Experience and hold this space and feel the stillness within it.


A few additional resources for you:

+ Create space within your mind through my Guided Meditations for Inner Transformation album.

+ Listen to my Awaken Radio Interview with Sara Brooke on Creating Space.


What are your thoughts on allowing there to be more space in your world and in your self? What is one practise you would love to take on board to experience this? Share with me below.

With love,

Connie x

24 thoughts on “Let There Be Space”

    1. I agree Meg, how incredible it is to take a pause in conversation. It makes most people squirm but it is so important x

    1. Aaah I love being-mode. Such a beautiful change of pace that allows so much new inspiration to flow forth. Enjoy hun! x

  1. Beautiful video Connie!
    Such a wonderful reminder and I feel like it is coming at the perfect time for me right now. My life has taken on a much busier phase and it can be so easy to click into that space of push, control and autopilot.
    Thanks for sharing xx

    1. Yep I agree Courtney, so easy to get swept up in the busy-ness of life! But it’s even more important to take space during these times. Glad these suggestions were supportive for you x

  2. Hey Connie,
    I always feel like your videos/podcasts come at just the right time for me. As a solopreneur – and I’m sure you’ll appreciate this – it’s really easy to fall in to the habit of wanting to chase new leads. Before I’ve even started a project, I’m thinking about where I’ll find the next client because I like knowing that my calendar is filled with exciting work to do and awesome people to help. But now I’m really craving space between projects, and I’m not just talking about the weekend.
    Great post, as always Connie!

    1. Yes Camilla – the space between projects. You nailed it! I have found a lot of discomfort arising as I don’t have a project on the go right now. But sooo nice to have a break from the constant striving towards a destination! x

  3. Really inspiring way to stay grounded & to be truly present in the moment. Definitely an excellent way to counteract feeling guilty for having a moment to do nothing or embrace a feeling of space! Thank you for the great video!

    1. Oh yep KImberly that little voice will try and creep in to make you guilty, but we must remember we are taking this space so that when we return to the world we show up even more powerfully x

  4. These tips are wonderful, small enough that they don’t feel too overwhelming but I can already tell that taking a step back when I’m making a tea without rushing back to my desk or checking my phone for a new email will be a mini challenge. One I’m looking forward to though, I’ve missed ‘me’! Lately I’ve been feeling so suffocated by all the responsibilities and projects in my life, too many balls in the air, but it’s definitely time to leave some of them up there for a bit and turn my attention inward. Thank you for this Connie xx Kamina

    1. I can’t tell you what a shift I have experienced since making ‘me’ a priority Kamina. It is such a wholesome feeling. Start small hun, and really savour those precious moments away from your desk dunking your tea bag. Use them to tune in to yourself, ground your feet in to the earth and breathe 🙂 x

  5. I loved this post, Connie! I have been following your work for quite some time. I really felt touched by this post. Lately, I have been feeling the same. Driving myself into action mode too much. My mind and body has been feeling tired. I realize now I need to nurture myself and take a break. Create some space. So in November and December, I will do just that! Create some space so I can allow my creative energy to flow organically.

    1. I love that you are taking the final few months of the year for space Priyanka. It is typically a busy time so beautiful to make your own self-care top priority during this time x

  6. I love watching your videos and reading your posts Connie. 🙂 You have such a warm energy!

    This comment may be a little long but I was wondering if anyone here could help me. How do you let go of big dreams or things that you really, really want but don’t seem likely to happen in this life? How do you accept that you can’t have or be something burning in your heart or is very unlikely to happen? I’ve been studying LOA and personal development for years, tried all the techniques, taking action towards my desires, but still am no where near where I want to be. It seems too late and unlikely that I will become what I want to be. How does one let go of a dream, give it up?

    1. Thank you for your lovely words. Hmm in response to your question, it is hard to advise without a clear idea of what it is, but here are 2 things:

      1) Determine why you want it. You want to make sure it is an authentic, heart-driven desire. Something you would absolutely love and something your soul yearns for, rather than your ego needing something to feel complete, loved or successful. If it is a true, heart and soul desire, then it 100% possible.

      2) If this is what you really truly want don’t give it up.


  7. Connie, this was exactly what I needed to hear right now!! I almost can’t believe how much you spoke to me! I just got married, started a new role and I am now in this spacious time in my life where I’m in between projects. My life has transformed so much recently and I now have the space I longed for, for so long. Yet, I have this urge in me to keep going, to keep taking things on. That it’s almost wrong to have nothing ‘to do’ on the weekend apart from enjoy myself! How strange. Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder! Lots of love + gratitude xx

    1. Sounds like this reminder came at the perfect time Ariadne!! The space you have created is exactly what you need right now to allow your new visions, ideas and action steps to arise. Let yourself revel in it for a while and trust the new will rise up within you the more that you give it the room to do so xx

  8. Love this video. I’ve been craving space but finding that being still is incredibly hard. We have so many distractions. I have been challenged of late about factoring in quiet time during lunch. To not read through emails, check my blog comments and so on but to use that time just to be present. Thank you for these thoughts. Gives me something further to think about.

    1. Just starting small is the easiest way Diana. We can create these mini pockets of space which are just as valuable as the long periods. It is a challenging practise, but just begin small and then build up xx

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