How To Feel More Supported

The energy of feeling supported is incredibly comforting and can really soothe us during uncertain times. This is particularly the case if we are on the verge of walking on a new path or launching a new dream or desire.

It feels important to have the support from people around us – to cheer us on, believe in us a help us feel safe amongst the changes we are experiencing.

But as you have heard many times, we cannot solely look to outside people as our only source of this support. We must also become the source of it ourselves.

Many of us wonder why the people around us do not fully believe in our dreams or support the person we wish to become. But this is where we need to turn our attention to ourselves and notice where we are in fact doing this too.


Video: How To Feel More Supported

In today’s video I share some ways that you can begin to work on supporting yourself and feeling that sense of inner stability, without having to wait for others to give it to you.

I wanted to look at support from a mindset and energetic perspective and shine on light where perhaps you are in fact doing the opposite of support within yourself.

Where are you doubting, questioning, judging or even tearing down your dreams and desires and the person you wish to become?

As a take away from this video, here are some questions to explore:

– What do I want to feel more supported with, or in what area of my life am I craving more support?

– How am I not mentally or energetically supporting myself in these areas?

– How can I shift my focus, my self talk and how I am with myself, to provide more energetic support to what I want to create?


Share your responses with one or all of these questions in the comments section below.

With love,

Connie x

4 thoughts on “How To Feel More Supported”

  1. Great video Connie, I have just been thinking today that a lot of my resistance to doing things I want to and being who I want to be, comes from really wanting (and waiting, and expecting) others to support me so I can feel ok about going forward and changing or taking action. But this is just so silly, I can see its just my own unwillingness to support myself that Im throwing out onto other people and not taking responsibility for being my own support! There’s just no power in that and I know if I support myself I wont need to wait for others support or approval! Woohoo that was just the video I needed today 🙂 thank you xo

  2. I LOVE the message in this video Connie!! I’m going through a career change and have realised I am putting negative and doubting thoughts out there in the universe around this change. Your video has really prompted me to start believing in myself and supporting myself – before I expect support from others. Has made such a positive and pro-actove change in my life and thinking. Thank you so much!! 🙂

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