It is easy to become disconnected from our body and our feminine energy as we move through the busyness of our day.
So it can be really supportive to create time in the morning to connect in with yourself and how you are feeling before your day begins.
In this video, I share some simple practices that you can bring into your mornings to open and soften your body, explore your sensuality, and experience the full range of your feminine energy.
I also talk about how my morning ritual has evolved over the years, and how changing my intention for my practice completely shifted how it now feels.
I hope this video supports you in the creation of your own morning practice.
Watch The Video:
She Is Magnetic (Coming Soon):
In She is Magnetic you will learn how to manifest your desires by awakening and embodying your feminine magnetism.
Enrolment opens Monday 9th November. Register your interest here >
What tips are you going to take on from today's video and apply to your own morning practice? Share with me in the comments.
With love,
Connie x