The Art of Surrender (Part 2) with Claire Obeid (AR #04)

Connie Chapman Awaken Radio Podcast Episode 04 The Art of Surrender (Part 2) with Claire Obeid

Today I am bringing you Part Two of the beautiful conversation I am having with Claire Obeid about The Art of Surrender. If you missed Part One, you can listen to it here.

In this episode, we dive deeper in to the opposite of surrender to help you really understand why these patterns of control, force and attachment are so powerful in our life.

We dissect the ego and help you understand why it tries to take you away from the powerful space of surrender, and instead keeps you caught up in the world of striving for external results.


In This Beautiful Episode We Discuss:

  • Why we continuously find ourselves stuck chasing external outcomes and striving for happiness outside of us
  • The games the ego plays to keep us disconnected from our authentic power and our true essence
  • How to transcend the ego and the fear it creates in our life
  • How to follow your truth by surrendering to your feeling and allowing it to guide you
  • How to discover your true purpose and why you are really here


Listen to Episode 4: 

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Subscribe To The Show: Awaken Radio on Itunes


Love what you heard from Claire? Find out more at or follow her on Facebook or Instagram

How does your ego keep you caught in the game of control and force and take you away from surrender and flow? Share your experiences in the comments below.

With love,

Connie x

3 thoughts on “The Art of Surrender (Part 2) with Claire Obeid (AR #04)”

  1. Rockin’, Connie! You are really doing a wonderful job with this radio show. I think it was a brilliant idea. I love to read blogs and books, but, depending on how I feel, I also love listening to inspiring radio shows or audio tapes. Thanks for providing an array of media from which I might enjoy your creative energy! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Paula! I am exactly the same. I love to have a range of awesome audio’s on my ipod that I can listen to when I need a dose of inspiration. That was a big reason why I wanted to share my message through this platform 🙂

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