My Morning Alignment Ritual & How To Create Your Own (AR #83)

I have been practising some form of morning routine for the past 10 years. This ritual originally began for me while I was working full time in a day job and I was desperately craving more time in my life to dedicate to what I was passionate about and what I loved.

Back when I was heading off to a job every day, the creation of this morning ritual was a game changer for me. It became my space to embody and activate the woman I wanted to be, even though I was still having to work in a role that didn’t light me up. It helped me reclaim my power so that rather than my whole day or week being about this job, what other people wanted, and things I didn’t like, instead I now had a big chunk of time being dedicated to things that really nourished me, and I felt more and more like my true self every day as a result.

If you follow me on Instagram, and particularly if you watch my stories, you would have come to discover that my morning routine is still a pretty core part of my self-care routine. It is a practise that tends to change and evolve day to day based on what I feel I need, but which does generally tend to include the same key components.

After sharing my personal practise on Instagram one morning, I put a poll up to ask if you wanted a podcast on morning routines, and over 750 of you said Yes! So I am dedicating a whole episode today to walking you through my personal alignment ritual, and I will also be sharing a whole bundle of tips and guidelines to help you create your own personal morning practise too.


In this episode I cover;

  • The current energy themes we are working through at the moment.
  • Why I began practising a morning routine 10 years ago while in a full-time job.
  • A simple morning practise you can implement before heading off to work.
  • How my morning routine helped me transition out of my old life and start living my dreams.
  • My top 3 tips to help you become a morning person and wake up early.
  • How I trained myself to consistently meditate in the morning.
  • The incredible benefits of having a morning routine or ritual, and how it can help you become your  best self and manifest your dreams.
  • The key things to keep in mind when designing your own personal morning routine.
  • My current morning alignment ritual which keeps me feeling high vibe, empowered, clear headed and calm. (I walk you step by step through the whole practice).
  • I also announce my latest new group program that you can be a part of!


Listen to Episode #83


Show Notes

Episode #81 – Navigating Change, Transition & The In-Between

The Dream Creator Mastermind

Abraham Hicks

Eckhart Tolle

My Slow Down & Tune In Playlist on Spotify


My Morning Alignment Ritual (listen to the episode for full details)

+ Wake up to an alarm with gentle music from my Slow Down & Tune In Playlist.
+ Turn on Himalayan salt lamp and diffuser with essential oils, to keep the lighting and energy calm and soothing.
+ Check in with how I am feeling to see what emotional, mental and physical state I have woken up in.
+ Plug in my headphones in and begin playing my Slow Down & Tune In Playlist, or some other type of audio such as a podcast or audio book.
+ Go to kitchen and make a morning drink of 1) hot water with lemon or apple cider vinegar, and 2) a warm up of either tea, cacao and coconut milk, or coffee.
+ Come into the living room and begin setting up my space for my morning routine by getting a cushion to sit on, lighting a candle, burning some palo santo or sage, getting an oracle deck, some essential oil and my journal.
+ If my Slow Down & Tune In Playlist is not yet going, I put in my earphones and begin playing the music.
+ Close my eyes and begin taking deep breaths into my body, allowing the music and my breathe to help me drop into the moment.
+ Scan through my body, noticing any areas of tension, tightness, anxiety or discomfort and if a sensation is I bring my awareness to it and use my breath to expand into it.
+ Bring awareness to spine and imagine light flowing through my spine. I see the light extending below my spine deep into the earth and extending up from the top of my head into the sky.
+ Ask the question – What is present for me today? and I observe my inner world. I witness and identify what is present for me today eg: anxiety, worry, tension in my jaw, lightness, future tripping, knot in belly, openness in heart etc. If the sensation is intense, painful or uncomfortable, I may place my hand over that area and stay with the emotion or feeling for a while to fully experience it and allow it to shift.
+ Ask the question – How would I like to feel today? Choose a few feeling words.
+ Ask the question – How can I support myself to feel that way? I explore a range of things I can practise and do that day to support me to experience that feeling.
+ Ask the question – What is going well in my life? What can I appreciate and give thanks for? Spend some moments in appreciation and looking for and thinking about what is good and going well.
+ Ask the question – What would I like to create more of in my life? Eg: more love, more self-care, greater commitment to exercise, expanding my business, more abundance and freedom etc.
+ Spend a few moments visualsing and imagining that, so I am putting energy into my desires.
+ Shuffle oracle deck and choose choose a card for the day
+ Note any insights, reflections or thoughts in my journal.
+ Wrap up the practise by placing hands on heart and breathing deeply into heart space, repeating the words “I love you” or anything else I need to hear.


The Dream Creator Mastermind (Applications are now open!)

The Dream Creator Mastermind is a 5 month masterclass & group mentoring program which will empower and support you to turn your heart-driven dream into a reality.

You will be mentored and guided to tune into your heart, gain clarity on your deepest desires, passions and purpose, clear out any fears or mindset blocks, share your authentic gifts and messages with the world, and begin taking brave steps forward to materialise your dream into a reality.

The Mastermind includes 12 powerful masterclasses, monthly group coaching calls, workbooks and resources, accountability challenges to keep you on track, and a supportive community who will cheer you on through the whole journey.

Applications are now open! Find out more and apply here.


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With love,
Connie x

1 thought on “My Morning Alignment Ritual & How To Create Your Own (AR #83)”

  1. Sarah Cummings

    Excellent tips! I’d be happy to add these to my daily morning routine. Looking forward to some great article from you Connie. Thank you! 🙂

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