At the end of 2018, I reached a breaking point. I had just wrapped up another big and busy year of work, and rather than feeling happy, fulfilled and proud of what I had achieved, I instead found myself feeling exhausted, sad, empty and depleted.
I knew something was out of balance, and I needed to make some changes. So, I took a big break last December and stepped away from work for most of the month. I travelled, I spent time with family and friends, I slept, rested and took care of myself.
I took some time to get honest with myself and reflect over the past 6+ years of running my coaching practise and a full-time business, and in the process, I had some pretty confronting realisations.
I realised that I was addicted to doing and achieving. My sense of self-worth and value felt heavily tied up on my success, how much money I was making and the external validation I received in my work. I was stuck in a pattern of pushing, forcing and controlling and I was ignoring my bodies cries for rest, play, adventure, fun and love.
I realised I was often putting money, success and achievement ahead of my own wellbeing. I was operating in my masculine energy most of the time, and I wasn’t nurturing and giving enough energy to other areas of my life, especially my relationships.
I knew I needed to bring things back into balance, so at the start of this year, I took a giant step back. I changed my priorities.
Over the past few months, I have been nurturing myself back to strength, happiness and wellness. I have been investing energy in other areas of my life including travel, adventure, love, connection, friendships, relationships, creativity and play. I have been following what makes me happy, prioritising my pleasure and deeply honouring my body.
I have also been awakening and more deeply embodying my feminine energy. This has meant working less, pushing less, controlling less and doing less. It has meant surrendering, flowing, feeling and trusting. It has seen me focusing deeply on my relationship with myself and loving and valuing the woman that I am outside of my achievements.
While I have been quiet on the work front these past few months, my personal life has been thriving. I can honestly say my heart and body feel full for the first time in years.
This journey has been so transformative for me, that I wanted to come onto the podcast and speak about it further. Today I am sharing about the power and importance of balancing our inner feminine and masculine energies and I am sharing some beautiful starting points that I hope will deeply support you.
In this episode I cover:
+ How I have started unravelling from my old patterns of masculine living, and why I have been coming deeper into my feminine.
+ Understanding your inner feminine and masculine and how each of these energies play out for you.
+ Why as women it is important for us to be nurturing, awakening and embodying our feminine.
+ How our masculine energy can serve and support us as women, and why we need to honour and appreciate it.
+ How to balance these two energies within yourself and get them working together.
+ 4 tips that will break through the fear and myth that you cannot be productive if you are in your feminine.
+ 10 powerful practices I have been using to more deeply embody my feminine.
+ Why as women we need to practise releasing control and surrender to the masculine.
+ Why exploring your own sensuality and sexuality is a key part of awakening your feminine.
+ The power of movement, dance, following your pleasure, listening to your joy and indulging in self-care.
+ Why we need to stop basing our worth on our achievements and start finding our value within.
+ How to deeply honour yourself, your feelings, your wants and your needs.
+ My new feminine morning and evening routines.
+ 2 new exciting ways you can work with me this month.
+ Plus an overview of the energy of May, and I share a big piece of channelled guidance that will help you create powerful change through the month of May.
Listen to Episode #88
Resources I Mention
Awaken Your Feminine Energy & Intuition Free Training: Running live on Thursday 16th May at 9am (AEST).
Register for the training here.
My new course, Divine Femme: Registration opens on Thursday 16th May
Find out more about Divine Femme here.
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What is your biggest takeaway from today’s episode? Share with me in the comments.
With love,
Connie x
You are back, yay!! I, honestly, missed listening to you. Loved this episode and genuinely love that you know when to take time for yourself, to reflect, to focus on your own relationships! xo