Completing Old Cycles, Chapters & Patterns (#AR 86)

For much of October, I found myself feeling internal and introspective. While September felt like it was ripe with the energy of fresh, new beginnings, October has almost felt like the opposite.

Throughout October, I have found myself needing to press pause on the new chapters that I had been so eager to leap into, and instead become deeply present to what is here, right now.

I have been guided to slow down and look within to integrate big feelings, thoughts and realisations, and to complete the remaining inner work that this old chapter contains.

This time of endings and completions is sacred and powerful and there are significant learnings, insights and lessons to gain. We cannot rush through this process, or skip over it because it feels intense and confronting. 

Rather we must zoom in close and examine old ways of being that are no longer working. This is our time to release past patterns fully, to close old doors properly, to tie up loose ends completely, and to be thorough in embodying the growth that each and every experience has brought.

This year has been transformative, and we cannot rush it’s completion. We are at the final culmination point, and we cannot avoid what it is asking of us. The ending of any journey is often the most important part. This is where some of our greatest learnings can happen.

So I decided to come onto the podcast and dedicate a whole episode to the topic of completions. I want to share with you what I have been practising and what has been helping me close off old cycles, chapters and patterns. I want to help you wrap up this year consciously, intentionally and courageously, and so I hope this episode deeply supports you with that.


In this episode I cover;

  • Why from now until the end of this year is a time of intense completion.
  • The reason you may be feeling internal and introspective at the moment.
  • The sacred power of endings, and why they need to be deeply honoured.
  • Why you may be noticing patterns of avoidance arising.
  • Why life keeps bringing you the same experience over and over.
  • The power and importance of saying No.
  • How to uncover the deeper wound, emotion or belief that is keeping you stuck, so you can heal and release it’s root cause.
  • Why you are always communicating to life what you will accept, allow or tolerate.
  • A simple and practical exercise to help you shift out of old habits of behaviour.
  • Why you may be clinging to things from the past, even though they don’t serve you.
  • How to support yourself as you step into unknown territory.
  • Plus I share about a 21 Journaling Course I am hosting in November to help you with wrapping up this year in a clear and empowered way.


Listen to Episode #86


Resources I Mention:

21 Days of Journaling Course

Highest Self Podcast

Tarot For The Wild Soul


Join 21 Days of Journaling: Course Starts November 12th.

21 Days of Journaling to Release The Old & Call In The New is short and potent course running in November 2018. This course will guide you through powerful inner work principles to help you wrap up the year with clarity, and begin preparing for what you now want to call in.

The course includes 2 x live Online Workshops, a Group Coaching Call, Journaling Prompts, a supportive community and more.

Over 21 days you will receive daily writing prompts and activities to help you release what is no longer serving you, and begin preparing for the new chapters that lay head.

Click here to find out more, and join 21 Days Of Journaling. Course begins on Monday 12th November.



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What is your biggest takeaway from today’s episode? Share with me in the comments.

With love,
Connie x

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