Read the blog

Read the blog

Goodbye 2013. Hello 2014.

Its been an introspective couple of weeks for me and I really felt the need to take some time out over the Christmas and New Year break to reflect on 2013 and process and release the year. This has been a powerful part of me clearing space for 2014 and aligning my energy with all […]

Live With More Ease (How To Break Free From Struggle)

I recently had a situation arise in my life where I noticed my initial reaction was to move in to a space of struggle.  I automatically decided that this event was going to cause a ‘problem’ for me and I noticed how my mind began to go on a future tripping journey of worrying about […]

6 Ways To Think Less + Feel More

At times I can be incredibly curious, introspective and analytical. I like to roll ideas and concepts around in my mind to make sense of things. When something arises in my life that challenges me, I love to know why. To explore it. Dive deep in to it. Think about it.

How I Overcame My Biggest Fear (+ How You Can Too)

For months I have had a burning desire bubbling within me. I had seen visions of it flash across my mind and strong inner impulses to take action towards it. It was a desire speak. A yearning to speak to groups of beautiful women. To run gorgeous, soulful workshops. To bring the passion-fuelled inspiration within me, […]

Clearing The Blocks To Receiving More

Many of us unknowingly block ourselves from receiving what we desire. We may hold beliefs, stories and fears that can actually energetically close us off from calling in what we want or cause us to sabotage our efforts.

Making Space To Call In The New

Before I start today’s post, give me a moment to breathe a sigh of relief. I am beginning to feel that something is shifting. New things are being called forth and amazing possibilities are being born. And without wanting to seem ungrateful – it feels about time! My past few months have been big, to […]

The Gypset Mindset with Vienda Maria (AR #10)

Today, I speak with a beautiful friend Vienda Maria who is a lifestyle coach and writer and author of The Gypset Recipe Book. In today’s episode, Vienda introduces us to the Gypset Mindset which is all about freedom, living life on your own terms, listening to your intuition and taking risks to follow your dreams.

Why You Must Stay Open (When You Want To Shut Down)

This post is for those of us that have a tendency to retreat from the world when life gets a bit tough. We like to handle our challenges inwardly and on our own. We find it hard to ask for help. We tend to hide our vulnerabilities and would rather wait until we are ready […]

Living A Spirited Life with Rachel MacDonald (AR #09)

In today’s episode I speak with life and blog coach Rachel MacDonald. We dive deep in to what it means to live a Spirited Life and how you can invite Spirit in to each moment of your life in order to experience profound shifts and more aliveness, flow and peace each day.

Finding Happiness with Shannon Kaiser (AR #08)

In today’s episode I speak with life coach, author and inspirational speaker, Shannon Kaiser. In this beautiful episode, we share powerful and practical ways than you can release your external search for happiness and begin to take the journey inwards. So many of us are seeking and yearning for happiness, but we are looking for […]

How To Stay Centred During Times Of Change

Sharing today’s video has been really powerful for me. I wanted to open up and share something that has been unfolding in my life over the past few months. There are significant shifts happening in my external world, in all areas of my life right now. Everything seems to be changing, breaking down, falling away […]

What It Really Means To Trust The Process

To have faith, is to have deep sense of trust in what cannot be seen. Proof or evidence is not needed. Rather it is an inner sense of knowing that guides you. To trust the process, wholly, completely, is to not need to know what is unfolding or why, but to simply be here in […]

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© Connie Chapman 2021