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Read the blog
Work Less & Receive More
Over the past month or so, I have been dropping in to a space of surrender. This has been a practice of relinquishing control, releasing attachment to outcomes and allowing myself to be guided. I have been putting my plan, my goals and my wants to the side. Instead, I am allowing my beautiful inner […]
Nuggets Of Wisdom For Those In Transition
I feel like I am going through a transition at the moment. An inner transition. A transition from one way of being, to another. I feel things shifting, releasing and transforming. I feel different. It is subtle yet profound. Simple yet intricate. Challenging yet delicious.
Recording Of The Transform Your Life Call
I have a special treat for you today! I have decided to share the recording of my Transform Your Life From The Inside-Out call with all of you!
Embrace Fear & Shine Your Light
Do you shy away from things that make you uncomfortable? Do you hide and play small in order to avoid being seen – really seen? Do you avoid those opportunities that require you to really step up and move beyond your comfort zone? Welcome to the world of playing small.
The Practice Of Creating Space
I describe the feeling of creating space, as a sense of being able to breathe. Deeply. To me, it feels expansive, open, flowing and light. It is a delicious and freeing sensation that comes from allowing yourself to be squarely grounded in the present moment.
Reflections From My Oneness Retreat
About a week ago, I headed off on a 5 day Oneness Retreat, and I have to be honest with you – I really didn’t want to go. I had become so consumed with my business, my to do list and my endless stream of mental chatter that I felt afraid to let it go. […]
Don’t Take Action Unless You Do This First
I am a real do-er. I love taking action. I love creating results and outcomes. I get a massive kick out of it. However, lately I have been crossing the line between taking beautifully aligned actions steps, and taking an excessive amount of action to the extent that I am burning myself out. Yep, I […]
How To Hear Your Inner Guidance
I made a commitment to myself recently, to strengthen my connection with my inner guidance. In the past, I had a tendency to only draw on this precious wisdom when I thought I needed it. Most of the time I felt pretty content living from my head, and it was only when my rational mind […]
Are You Hiding In A Shadow Career?
As soon as I read Turning Pro by Stephen Pressfield I knew I had to write this post. This post is for anyone who feels they are working in a job that is not their true calling. Do you know deep inside that there is something else you would love to do, but you feel too […]
Playing Big (From The Heart)
There is a big difference between playing big from your head and playing big from your heart. Playing Big from your head is where you try to make shit happen, force outcomes to unfold and control circumstances so they go your way. Often this comes from a fear driven energy.
Witnessing Fear & Creating Miracles
I rarely read books from start to finish. I tend to open them up at a section, read a few pages, get what I need and then move on. When my eagerly anticipated delivery of May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein arrived I initially jumped in to doing the same thing. I flipped through it, read […]
Finding The Courage To Follow Your Heart
I think there are two ways of determining if you are ‘following your heart’. The first is whether or not you are following the desires that your heart is calling you towards, and the second is if you living in your heart. Being in it. One is about the actions you are taking and one […]