Embody Your Light (+ My New Website Is Here!)

It feels quite fitting for me to write about about embodying your light on the same day that I launch my new look website. More than anything I wanted this new site to feel lighter. More spacious. Clearer.

The design of the website is such a perfect reflection of what I feel has shifted within me over the past few months. I am lighter. I have created more space. I feel clearer and more expansive than I ever have before.

It was important to me that the site felt aligned with me and my energy. The change that I can see from my previous site, to this one, feels so beautifully reflective of the change that has happened within me.


The Process Of Transformation

All of you who are regular readers of this blog, came along on the journey with me in late 2013 through an incredibly challenging period. I dove deep through spiritual awakenings and a range of inner transitions. I went through what seemed like months of shedding, clearing, releasing and letting go.  

I waded through the mud of transformation and experienced drastic change. All I could do was trust the process as I made space to call in the new. I can see what was happening now, and why. But at the time it was excruciating and I wondered if the struggle would ever stop.

This is how you embody your light. You shed the darkness. You have to face that gloomy, inner muck head on. You have to wade through it, dive right in to the centre of it and do your best to keep your head high and your heart open.

Yes, the process of transformation is challenging. But far out, it is damn worth it. When you finally drop through enough layers, that you can re-connect with your authentic, expansive self, you literally feel like you have come home.

Life begins to flow again. People show up to support you. You pick yourself up and start moving forward. And the Universe rushes in faster than ever before to carry you to where you truly want to be.

And that is where I am right now. Over the past few months everything has shifted. I feel like a completely different person. I feel light.


Embodying Your Light

+ Embodying your light comes from making the choice to do so. You are light. It is your essence. You are a radiant ball of infinite light and love filled energy. It is always there inside of you, just waiting for you to remember.

+ In the midst of your challenges you must remember that you are not the darkness. You are not the fear. You are not that critical voice in your head. They are just the veil distorting your vision.

+ You embody your light by choosing love. You open your heart even when there is pain. You practice the love-fuelled perspective even when fear is running rampant. 

+ Work with light. See it. Sense it. Close your eyes and embody it. Imagine yourself under a fountain of white light. See it radiating from your heart. Beaming out from your cheeks as you smile. See your whole body covered in it.

+ Embody more light by raising your vibration. Choose a higher thought. Think thoughts that contain joy, peace, happiness and kindness. Think positively about yourself and others.

+ You make room for more light, when you find the courage to let go. You have to release what is no longer serving you. What is weighing you down. What is holding you back. 

+ Create inner space. Be slower. More present. Breathe deeper. Play more.

+ Lighten up your mind. Release the need to over-think, over-plan and over-analyse. Drop the struggle. Just be with whatever this present moment contains. Embrace it. Flow with it. 

+ Smile. Even when you don’t feel like it.

+ Tune in to something higher – your higher self, your soul, your truth – whatever you call it. Just know you are never alone. Release your troubles to the Universe and open up to receive guidance and support.


Enjoy this new space my loves, and I cannot wait to bring you many more light-filled creations over the coming months.

With love, 

Connie x

20 thoughts on “Embody Your Light (+ My New Website Is Here!)”

  1. Connie, the hard work was worth it! Love, love, love the new site! It feels spacious, translucent and fresh. Your light radiates from every inch! Well done lovely xxx

    1. Oh Ollie what an incredible description! Glad you’re digging the new peaceful vibes x

  2. Connie…your new site is amazing!!! I just love it! It has such a beautiful feel and it truly reflects you. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you beautiful. You saw all of the behind the scenes – the late nights, early morning and hours upon hours of work. Thank you for your ongoing support x

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