The Awaken Radio Podcast


On Awaken Radio you will hear heart-opening conversations and inspiring interviews with Connie and her guests which will support and guide you on your journey of awakening, self-discovery and empowered living.

Awaken Radio shares raw, honest and vulnerable conversations with thought leaders and experts from all over the world. Each episode is filled with inspiring guidance to help you clear out your fears, transform your mind, crack open your heart and rise into your highest potential.

Awaken Radio is regularly listed as one of the Top 50 Health Podcasts on Itunes and is currently receives over 20,000 listens a month by people from all around the world.

Listener Reviews:

"Your podcast is by far my favourite to listen to! The people you interview, the conversations & diverse content, and also the solo ones you do are so interesting, empowering, positive & a total joy to listen to. They have been a source for me to encourage me to explore new things and to step out of my comfort zone a little more" – Cas

"Your podcast has changed my life! Once I started listening I could not stop. I finally feel like people are talking my language after years of feeling misunderstood. I can’t thank you enough!" – Taylor

"Connie, I just wanted to say how beautifully you connect your messages with me. With such a relaxing voice, you succeed in holding my attention more than any other person I’ve listened to. Not only is it relaxing, but I hear and believe everything you suggest, and it’s been great to feel that kind of positivity through audio" – Tonya

"I just started listening to your podcasts and wow, I love them! Thanks so much for sharing your passion - I am hooked! I love the guest speakers you bring on and the topics you have curated. So inspirational and beautiful and truly from the heart! Keep doing what you're doing, it is ah-mazing" - Name 

"Connie I just want to say thank you for your latest Awaken Radio episode! It was pure magic – and has been EXACTLY what I needed to hear today!" – Teresa

"Thank you Connie for your enlightening podcasts. The first one I listened to was on change, and first being able to accept what is before positive change take place. This completely transformed my thinking and helped to shift my mindset. I've felt stuck for a very long time and you help me shift that! I've been hooked ever since. Thank you for all of your insights!" - Chloe

"I stumbled upon your podcast a few months ago via iTunes and just wanted to say how much I thoroughly enjoy them! I have several favourites and find them so comforting, positive, helpful and honestly the messages just put me in a better place! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have done wonders for me!" – Carly

"Connie I listened to your podcast today on how to overcome self-doubt and start following your dreams, and I loved it! Thank you for your positivity, love and kindness. This topic and your story totally resonated with me and I am going to start journaling on these powerful questions that you shared with us!" - Megan

"Hi Connie, I have been listening to Episode 57 and – Wow!! I really loved this episode thank you, I felt such resistance the start of this year but I’m moving through it with amazing changes!! I love how honest you choose to be in your podcasts!!" – Bianca

"I just wanted to write to you to say THANK YOU. I stumbled across your podcasts about a month ago and I have not been able to stop listening! I have been slowly making my way through them all, and I say slowly because I have often listened to the same podcast multiple times (like at least five!). Your podcasts have been a next level up for me and my journey. Your words, and those of the women, and men, you have spoken with have truly resonated and I just wanted to say thank you!" – Milina

"Connie I absolutely love your inspirational words and ways. Your were the catalyst for my spiritual journey! Your podcasts were exactly what I needed and they came to me at the time I needed them. I wanted to say a personal thank you for what you have brought, and continue to bring to my life" - Larissa

"I absolutely adore Awaken Radio. I love how open and honest Connie is. Her topics always seem to be what I need to hear. This is my favourite podcast!" – Laura

"Connie's podcast is refreshing, grounding, uplifting, enlightening & comforting. You are going to receive learnings in more ways that you can imagine. Her topics always feel divinely times to whatever is unravelling in my world and I adore tuning into Awaken Radio. It is like a warm hug and a cup of tea all rolled into one" - Annabelle.

"Connie and her messages have changed my life over the past year. Each episode is interesting, beneficial and engaging. I am so grateful for this beautiful podcast." – Bec

"Connie what you are sharing is amazing!! Your podcast is helping me in so many ways!" – Hannah

"Connie's podcast enables me to turn the monotonous drive to and from work into 'me' time. She present her thoughts & ideas in such an accessible & empowering way, making personal growth feel very supported. Thanks Connie." - Ash

"If you haven't yet subscribed to Awaken Radio, do it now... please! And make it a priority to listen to her episode on dropping the judgment of ourselves and others. It will take 14 minutes out of your day, but it is 14 minutes of pure spoken gold. I promise you it is worth it! Sending big love to you Connie for spreading this message and opening your heart. I honour you for your realness - it is so refreshing." - Janelle

"I recently discovered this podcast & I am so grateful for the discovery. Every interview is gold & Connie has amazing insights to share" - Kate

"Hi Connie, I just wanted to say a big thank you for our podcast! I found it a few weeks ago and it has been so inspiring for me, and I love the peace you transmit! I am loving everything you are sharing on your podcasts. Keep up with the amazing job as you are changing so many lives so far" - Loli

"Awaken Radio is my favourite podcast. Connie's interviewing style is gentle and supportive and her insights are thought provoking and heart-centred" - Casandra

"I love, love, love this podcast. It is full of so many golden nuggets and take-aways. I cannot recommend Connie's podcast enough, especially her most recent one on how to overcome self-doubt. This was exactly what I needed to listen to today! Thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences Connie. It is truly inspirational!" - Sammy

"Connie, I just wanted to send you a note to let you know that I have loved listening to your podcast! I have found so much peace and affirmation in your messages and I really appreciate the voice you are bringing to the world" - Jessica 

"Your latest podcast episode was kick-ass! I have already listened to it twice and sent it on to friends. Thank you!" - Madison

Move Through Life Changes With Grace & Ease with Tahlee Roullion (AR #44)

For years I would go into a complete state of overwhelm and anxiety whenever I had to go through some type of change or transition in my life. I had no idea how to support myself, and would end up with crippling migraines, panic attacks and night’s of no sleep.

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Connie Chapman Awaken Radio Podcast Episode #43 Master Your Mean Girl and Live the Life of Your Dreams with Melissa Ambrosini

Master Your Mean Girl & Live The Life Of Your Dreams with Melissa Ambrosini (AR #43)

We all have that running dialogue of inner chatter in our minds that never seems to stop. Sometimes these thoughts feel supportive and empowering, but as most of us would know, a lot of the time they do not. Most of the time the voice in our mind fills us […]

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How I Discovered My Passion, Quit My Job & Set Up My Business (AR #42)

I often have people contact me wanting to know more about my personal journey of how I was able to discover my passion, quit my day job and step full-time in to running my own business. So I decided to jump on the podcast and tell you the whole story! In today’s […]

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Connie Chapman Awaken Radio Podcast Episode #41 Follow Your Inner Knowing and Live in Spiritual Surrender with Jordan Bach

Follow Your Inner Knowing & Live In Spiritual Surrender with Jordan Bach (AR #41)

I have found living a spirit-guided life to be both thrilling and terrifying. While on one hand it brings comfort, support, guidance and a deep connection with love, it also requires us to step in to the unknown, bravely follow the beat of our heart, take risks and live in deep […]

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How To Begin The Journey Of Inner Transformation (AR #40)

I can’t tell you how many times I have fallen into the trap of trying to ‘fix’ my life by thinking that changing the circumstances unfolding around me was the key to my happiness. Believing that all I needed to do was get rid of the bad stuff and get more […]

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Connie Chapman Awaken Radio Podcast Episode #39 Be a Sexy, Empowered and Self-Loving Woman with Taro O

Be A Sexy, Empowered & Self-Loving Woman with Taro O (AR #39)

More and more I am having women come to me asking how they can re-connect with, and awaken, more of their feminine essence. It seems that so many of us have got so lost in the masculine world of achievement that we have lost touch with what makes us feel […]

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Are You Ruled By Fear Or Fuelled By Love? (AR #38)

My biggest practise over the past few years has been about un-learning all of my ways of being, thinking and acting that are driven by fear. I have been releasing my old stories and self-imposed limitations. I have been shifting my perceptions of what I believe is possible.

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Connie Chapman Awaken Radio Podcast Episode #37 Heal Your Wounds and Life In Alignment with Soul with Savonn Champelle

Heal Your Wounds & Live In Alignment with Soul with Savonn Champelle (AR #37)

Before I found a connection with my Soul – with that loving, supportive and empowering presence within me – my life felt empty, directionless and scary. I was ruled by limitation and fear. I was on an endless search outside myself to find something to fill me up and complete me. […]

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Breaking The Cycle Of Worry & Struggle (AR #36)

As part of my journey of conscious living, I have been practising witnessing my thoughts and becoming aware of the typical thought patterns and stories my mind likes to play (and replay). I have been noticing how much my mind takes me out of the present and gets me lost […]

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Connie Chapman Awaken Radio Podcast Episode #35 Re-Define Beauty and Heal Your Body with Love with Nitika Chopra

Re-Define Beauty & Heal Your Body With Love with Nitika Chopra (AR #35)

It is easy to feel frustrated and even angry at our bodies when they manifest pain, sickness and health conditions or when they don’t look and appear the way we want them to. But have you ever wondered about the impact all of this negative thinking, criticism and judgment is having […]

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Connie Chapman, Retouched - 31

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© Connie Chapman 2022