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Read the blog
Michelle Swan
Connie is incredibly perceptive and solution-orientated, and this approach enabled us to get to the core/underlying issues quickly during each of our sessions. Connie created a loving and non-judgemental atmosphere for me to explore how I was feeling. The combination of her honesty, advice and actionable steps was a winning formula for positive transformation. I […]
Neralee Flanagan
In our sessions, Connie created a loving space from which I could see past the fog of my own fear and sadness and confidently turn inwards to further develop and strengthen not only my relationship with myself but get really clear on what I want from this life. And not just becoming clear but having […]
Miranti Kayess
Deciding to work with Connie was the start of something really special. I was at a point in my life where I knew something had to change but felt so lost and uncertain about what I could to do to change it. My sessions with Connie were soulful and inspiring. Her support and guidance supported […]
Fran Verbeek
I took a lot from my session with Connie, and it brought me back to the feeling of why I was in my business in the first place. Our session helped me re-focus on my work as my creative and spiritual offering rather than as just a business, which took the pressure off. I began […]
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This is a caption about the resource. Over the past few months I have had several beautiful dreams of mine come.
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This is a caption about the resource. Over the past few months I have had several beautiful dreams of mine come.
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This is a caption about the resource. Over the past few months I have had several beautiful dreams of mine come.
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This is a caption about the resource. Over the past few months I have had several beautiful dreams of mine come.
How To Practise Forgiveness When You Feel Hurt
“Love holds no grievances” A Course in Miracles As some of you may know (if you are on my email list) a few months ago a significant relationship in my life came to an end, and since then I have been grappling with all sorts of emotions. And one of the most significant ones that has […]
8 Ways To Quieten Crazy Mind Chatter
Every now and then I go through periods where I literally can not quieten my mind. No matter how hard I try to reign it in, it just seems to rattle endlessly at a million miles an hour about the most ridiculous things. Sometimes it is busy feeding me fear-based stories. Other times it sends […]
How To Feel More Trust In Your Relationships
The other day I was chatting to one of my dear girlfriends about the concept of trust in relationships. We were sharing experiences of times where we have felt unsafe trusting our partner. Where our fearful thinking had taken over, filled our mind with crazy stories and caused us to completely shut down on a person […]
Goodbye 2013. Hello 2014.
Its been an introspective couple of weeks for me and I really felt the need to take some time out over the Christmas and New Year break to reflect on 2013 and process and release the year. This has been a powerful part of me clearing space for 2014 and aligning my energy with all […]