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Read the blog
Caught Up In Comparison? This Will Help
I want to begin this post by saying that if you have ever struggled with comparison (or are caught up in it at the moment) you are most definitely not alone. With our lives and businesses being so highly visible these days, and with so many people creating and doing incredible things in the world, it […]
Own, Love And Embrace Your Dark Parts
Over the weekend I stumbled across some old journals from several years ago which documented my intense period of personal transformation. I wrote all of these entries on my laptop. They were neatly typed, dated, printed and bound into two books – one for 2009, and one for 2010. Each book was filled with around 150 A4 pages of […]
A Step By Step Process For Healing And Releasing Fear
When I first started my business, I would wake up most days with a racing mind and a knot in my stomach. My immediate reaction was to then beat up on myself for what I was feeling. After all, I should know better than to buy into my mind’s chatter. Why was this still happening? What was I […]
Are You Always Striving For More?
As I sit at the beginning of this fresh new year, I feel excitement and anticipation about the magic that lies ahead, but at the same time I have a calm sense of detachment and ease about what will unfold.
How To Powerfully Prepare For The New Year
I always become incredibly nostalgic at the end of the year. I love taking the time to pause, reflect and think deeply about all that I experienced and created over the past 12 months. I also love harnessing the beautiful, fresh energy of a new year and using it as a way to re-focus myself and […]
The Spiritual Lessons I Learnt From Taking A Break
A few months ago I was struck by a strong desire to pull back. To withdraw my energy from this website, from my social media pages and from my work in general. These types of inner callings are quite unsettling, particularly when you run a business. I have felt quite directionless, lost and confused as […]
Embodying Feminine Energy & Awakening Sexuality with Rosie Rees (AR #27)
I love supporting women to develop a greater sense of connection with their feminine energy. For years, I was completely disconnected from mine and I lived in a very mentally dominated, driven and controlling way. Over the past 6 months I have been dropping out of this and in to a greater sense of flow, softness, […]
The Path Of Conscious Living (For Men) with Jamie Gonzalez (AR #26)
I have had the incredible honour of being able to support hundreds of women embark on a journey of conscious living. But I couldn’t help but feel that while it is beautiful to watch women waking up to their true power, there seems to be little support out there for men.
How To Find The Hidden Blessings In Your Challenges
Let’s be honest, life is not always a walk in the park. On our journey, we are often faced with a range of different challenges that can at times, holt us in our tracks and cause us to fall in a heap. These may be challenges within ourselves such as struggles with self-doubt, confusion, fear, overwhelm or […]
Building Self-Worth & Confidence with Debbie Spellman (AR #25)
Most of us have struggled with feelings of insecurity, not feeling good enough or low self-worth at one point or another. These inner patterns are crushing to our confidence and sabotage us from stepping in to our potential and pursuing our dreams.
Let There Be Space
Today I stumbled across a video blog that I recorded before I moved house, yet never posted. As I re-listened to it, I realised the message was so relevant to what I am currently experiencing, so I felt I wanted to share it. Over the past few weeks, I have been feeling the desire to […]
Self-Love & Soul-Connection with Julie Parker (AR #24)
The amount of self-love you feel within yourself, along with the depth of connection you have to your heart and soul, plays a huge role in what you create and manifest in your life. So, if you feel ready to embark on the empowering journey of loving yourself more, you will absolutely adore today’s Awaken Radio episode with life and business coach […]