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Navigating Change, Transition & The In-Between (AR #81)
I recently wrote a post on Instagram talking about my experiences of moving through a big period of transition and change. I shared that I felt like I was hovering in an in-between space somewhere between the old and the new. It felt a big period of growth and up-levelling and as though I was […]
Spiritual Awakening, Ascension & Energy Upgrades with Carly Stephan (AR #80)
Are you experiencing deep inner shifts and life changes? Are areas of your life such your job, your home or your relationships no longer feeling as fulfilling as they used to, and have you found yourself craving more? Do you have a yearning to step into a new chapter, and finally get onto your true path? […]
Feel Your Feelings & Honour Your Emotions (AR #79)
Last week under the energy of the Leo Full Moon Eclipse, I found myself hit with a big wave of heaviness and emotion. I felt flat. I felt tired. My head felt foggy and muddled. I wanted to tune in for inner guidance to try to get clarity on what was unfolding for me. I […]
Release The Hustle: Shift From Stress & Force Into Ease & Flow (AR #78)
When we feel overwhelmed and under pressure, or like there is too much to do and too much on our plate, our tendency is to speed up. Our breathing speeds up, our thinking speeds up, and our movement speed up. We disconnect from the flow and our natural rhythm, and we start to push and work […]
Manifest Your Desires Using Intention, Energy & Intuition with Jordanna Levin (AR #77)
Would you love to know the secret to manifesting more of what you want in your life? Are you craving a step by step process you can follow to consciously co-create with the Universe? If so, you are in for a treat! In today’s episode of Awaken Radio I speak with lunar lover, kitchen alchemist, […]
2018: Feeling Words, Planning Tools & Guiding Principles For A Magical Year (AR #76)
As we step into a bright, shiny new year full of possibility and new beginnings, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all we want to achieve and by all of the conflicting information telling us how to create our best year yet. I have often felt pressure, and even anxiety at the beginning of […]
2017: My 10 Key Lessons, Learning’s & Practices From A Transformative Year (AR #75)
It is hard for me to believe that I have not recorded an Awaken Radio podcast since July 2017. Where did that year go!? For some reason, I just felt I needed a break from the show. I am not sure why, but whenever I would try to get on the podcast, I felt a […]
How To Shift Out Of Fear & Into Faith (AR #74)
When we are going through periods of change, expansion, up-levelling and stepping into the unknown, it is easy for fear-based thinking to get triggered. We can get caught in a spiral of worry, anxiety, over-analysing and planning. We may start to doubt ourselves, our abilities and whether the universe will actually support us in stepping […]
Being Your Authentic Self & Loving Who You Are with Mary Hyatt (AR #73)
Without even realising, many of us are living lives that are not aligned with our authentic self. We are playing roles to fit in, modifying ourselves to get love, and wearing masks to suppress what we truly feel and believe.
How To Create A New Moon Intention Setting Ritual
I have been working with the energy of the moon for the past few years, and it has really supported me to become more connected to the cycles of life and to create rituals and sacred practices that honour the various energy phases. Typically at each New Moon I write out my intentions of what […]
Embracing Life’s Cycles: Stories On Grief, Love, Resilience, Expansion & Purpose (AR #72)
Today’s podcast episode is a personal update from me filled with stories of what I have been learning, working through and discovering over the path month. It is a deep conversation filled with lessons on grief, love, loss, receiving, expansion, spiritual faith, alignment and living on purpose. While what I have been moving through during this […]
How To Manifest Your Desires By Following Your Intuition (AR #71)
If you follow me on Instagram you would know that I recently went through a big change around my home which all unfolded very quickly and unexpectedly. It was been a change I had been desiring for a long time. I had felt a strong yearning in my heart for a new home – a […]